
It seems the human body, as well as the overall ecosystem we live within, is a filtering system.

It’s quite terrifying when you look at how much we knowingly (or rather unknowingly in some cases), apply to our own skin and bodies. You know, like in Silence of the Lambs, ‘it rubs the lotion on its skin’ – like our sick industry officials like to see us apply our own toxins and ingest our own poison. And then to level up that demented process, they get our own to do it to each other through ‘professionals’ who get elevated above everyone else, a uniform, well paid, letters after their name. Suddenly they are ‘experts’ and you believe they want what is best for you. Quite ridiculous when you look at it now, but I too for the longest time, believed the lie that they were there to help us.

But women were the ones who took to it first, and I can see that vanity was used as a weapon, for many purposes. There must have been a time when people didn’t care for too much make-up, or a multitude of products, so I’m sure the marketers would have gone to town on changing that, as my article The First Fad goes into. It would have been sold as beauty, and as a standard society wanted. making men see women differently, and more importantly, making women see themselves and each other differently. Judging people on those new standards, and creating an entire ‘beauty’ market based on consumption of products. Shampoo, hairspray, lipstick, nail polish, nail polish remover, moisturiser, concealer, foundation, eye shadow, eye liner and so on. And within each category there are many more for various other things. Someone could put all of that on their body in one day. One day! And even though they could be completely harmless on their own, and may indeed have passed the safety tests as they are, how does anyone know how they react when combined with another product? And then exposed to high temperatures, either through working conditions, or weather? Chemical reactions are not always visible so it’s hard to say they would have been able to test for all conditions and possible combinations, and why should they? They just design something to do what it says on the tin, and that’s where it ends. It’s down to people to pay attention of what is in it, what is it for, what are the main active ingredients and more importantly, do they react with anything else I am taking or applying? We think of those things when it comes to medical products (well, we used to), but not so much for things that we ingest, or apply to ourselves at least daily, if not multiple times a day with various things.

Given the right conditions though and a bit of time, we know that we are able to filter our systems and ‘detoxify’ as they call it. I wonder if that’s what it is that’s so despised by the powers that be. That many have worked out they can fix themselves, with a bit of help from nature, and even nature itself fixes itself. But, as I said, only with the right conditions. If you go out of your way to deliberately poison the system, and terrain, then it has to work harder and may not do as well. That’s why if you just had bad food and drink, you might be ok, or just lots of cosmetic products, or just lots of medicine, it could still possibly manage to do its thing, to regenerate the system and recalibrate as needed. But when it’s a triple pronged attack, a pincer movement of social conditions set up to make sure that many are caught in the toxic triangle of things that were made to be viewed as normal. Food, Beauty and Medicine. And in recent years men too have been sucked into the world of cosmetics and extra products, not even counting the latest debacle involving men and make-up. They had been captured way before that to primp and preen themselves, to buy as much as women and add to the intake of chemicals.

There is also a matter of what else is going in, psychologically. How they also mentally get to us through media, education and conditioning that has infiltrated every area of life. We also need to filter what goes in there and detoxify ourselves from that too, because it all goes in, and for some, may well go straight back out again, or simply go over their head. But often things are taken in subconsciously, and integrated into people’s state of mind or being without it even being noticed sometimes. I like to think that the body and mind has adapted though, evolved even in the midst of all those assaults on our senses and sensibility. As a plant would, to filter out all the crap that it is surrounded by, so while it appears to have been grown with poisons and fed polluted water, the sunshine and energy give it extra life to shed those representatives of industry. Maybe that’s why they would prefer factory grown plants and lab grown meat, because it has no soul and no real nutritional value, to sustain the factory grown next generation they plan for, who will have no need of soul or sunlight. I guess my articles You are what you eat, and Pod life 2 cover that aspect of a possible future that awaits for some. But for where we are now, we can only do our best to avert the strange tapestry being stitched around us and try and protect nature as we know it, and ourselves, because those are the two things that seem very much on the hit list these days. Stay sharp and be mindful of your thoughts.

(c) K Wicks

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