Through All The Noise

The effect food has on your body is part of a big debate, old and new. And food is at the centre of much discussion these days, with net-zero trying to eliminate the existing methods of farming and agriculture and take control of all of our food. For the sake of new printed steaks, insects and lab grown meats and things. Trying to take away fresh, nutritious, healthy foods that have been the staple diet of millions of people for thousands of years, so we are told. Over the last century at least, there has already been a bit of an overhaul of our food, how we cook it, where we buy it, the packaging, fast food, chemicals, preservatives, pesticides and such. So, when I say healthy, I mean as can be expected.

But at some point, in my early 20’s I started to understand how food was directly responsible for how I felt on a physical level, which then in turn would affect my mental levels. Repeated bouts of various things requiring antibiotics from late childhood through to adulthood, made me believe I just didn’t have a very good immune system. It annoyed me that as soon as I started feeling run down, I knew what would follow, a couple of weeks of being ill, and a prescription. I think I just accepted that was how it was going to be. Meds seemed the norm to a point. But after I had left home, and had to look after myself, it seemed more important to understand why these things came about, and avoid it if I could. Partying was a very clear starting point I noted, staying up late, drinking alcohol and not getting enough sleep absolutely slayed me. When they say alcohol is poison, they mean it, and nearly every sip, I could taste it, never being agreeable with it, but forcing yourself on occasion as you sometimes do to try and fit in. Only eating sweets and sugary snacks throughout the day instead of real food, this was an issue for years, but once I started to learn about foods, it changed. Learning about carbs, and proteins and what vitamins and minerals are in things. And what those things are helpful for and any ailments that might benefit from them. It suddenly made food an awful lot more interesting, and once I adapted my diet to incorporate some high energy carbs, it helped.

It’s not the same for everyone at all, which is why I find it strange that we are given ‘one size fits all’ advice when it comes to food. What fats you should and shouldn’t have, how many eggs are good, bacon is bad, no we mean good. It chops and changes with the wind, because the truth of it is, they don’t know. It’s best guess, and whatever narrative they are trying to push at the time. What works for one, may not work for another, so it’s down to each person to find their own foods, I think. And your body is the gauge of that, but if you aren’t listening to it, or it isn’t talking to you, then I guess it might be a bit difficult. If I’m run down, I crave orange juice or fruit. If anaemic, i need steak or green veg, if tired, probably just need a nap. It’s not hard to listen if you are able to, what is hard, is being able to action it all the time. If you are at work, or in transit, you can’t always get the right food, you get what’s available. Or you don’t have time to cook, you eat what you can, and ordinarily, I would go with that too. having sustenance to keep going is more important, but that’s where I realise they have made it awfully convenient, to have to sacrifice good food and lifestyle, for the quick, fast, now lifestyle that apparently is so much better for us. It doesn’t appear to be.

The body is a filtration system really you see, and a damn good one at that – check out my article We are not obsolete where I mention that a bit, but when you don’t keep the system maintained properly, and let it get clogged then you will start to get issues. many have been talking about how those issues manifest, and some are saying, which I agree with, that it shows through signs of what we call illness or ailments. And since I have been learning more about herbs, flowers and plants for my salves, I have learnt more about their uses beyond just being aesthetic or being viewed as a pest. And it seems that for the longest time, we had cheap, readily available remedies for most things, that people had already spent years and lifetimes researching and testing, and handed those things down. I noticed a few years ago, before this ‘pandemic’ debacle that they seemed rather keen on getting rid of old wives tales, folklore and peoples on the ground knowledge. By way of regulations and industry, they seem to have the market sewn up, and perhaps, by way of other nefarious means. Because if you look into it, over the decades, it appears there have been many a person who has tried to make a breakthrough, to either cure cancer, or aids, or any of the created illness we see around us, then they are taken out of the loop. My article Opposition will give you a bit more on why that might be, but we are then left with a small group who know invaluable things, and a very large group who want to dictate every type of medicine and therapy, regardless if it is really suitable for someone.

Money is money at the end of day, and by hook or by crook, they seem determined to be part of the chain of grow food, eat food, live well. They are not needed in that equation to me, as they are going for ‘destroy food and create new food, force people to eat food, exist, living isn’t on our list’, or something like that. And so far in this current life we have, it seems there is much to distract us from listening to ourselves, many things that have been placed in our way. Not to say we can’t find a way round them, but our senses are being bombarded every day, and those are what we need to be functioning at our best, or at least have the opportunity to be able to. So in amongst all the toxins and chemicals, media, society and family influence, through all the frequencies and noises laid over the natural ones, we have to find a way to know what to do for ourselves if we can. Give our bodies the best chance at being able to function, and heal, and replenish itself. Because from what we have seen of late, the medical industry does not have any interest in people being well or healthy, and they would rather use health as a weapon over and against people, so now would be good time to start listening to if your body is trying to tell you something.

(c) K Wicks

The First Fad

It’s the 50’s and marketers are trying their best and spending billions of dollars to work out and manipulate consumers. To change the customers habits and behaviours to better suit the corporations needs, rather than be there for the need of the people. My article Consumerism covers that a bit more.

But within these times, technology moved along and a distinct marketing advantage came forth. Television. Huge resources were put into it, much as they are today. They wanted to use television advertising to get to a much larger audience and therefore number of customers (adults), and potential customers (children). And then something happened in TV that caught a generations attention and gave them lots of data to work with apparently in unravelling how to create marketing situations on demand.

Davy Crockett.

The TV series happened and became hugely popular, leading to merchandise, leading to big sales for companies. Then just as they stocked up with more goods, it dropped off. This is apparently what led to then investing in fads, what causes them, how to maintain them, and steer them in the direction required. Being able to influence great numbers of people at once, through clever and psychological campaigns. As you can imagine it didn’t take long for it to move into other areas, if it wasn’t in them already. Military, political, education, medicine and any industry they wanted to boost and use to infiltrate people’s habits and wants. Entertainment was also high on their list it would seem with crazes and fads chucked at us left, right and centre thereafter.

Television helped all that massively, because while they had already been using the media and propaganda for decades, this gave them a whole new reach, and quicker. Now the internet has increased that capacity to an alarming level as has been shown by current events. The fact that recently we have been subject to a rather aggressive marketing campaign, whereby they readily admitted they had a whole team, studying our behaviour to scare us into compliance, covered in my article Nudge, nudge. They didn’t hide it, although didn’t admit they had been studying this idea for quite some time. With many of the systems, procedures and protocols ready for this ‘surprise emergency’, as well as the coordinated media campaign and government regulations across the board, in various countries. Another sign it was not random in any way, to me anyway. And really, as each country has reacted and we have been fed the media stories we are meant to read, things get pushed in the direction they would like. Demanding everyone’s attention, daily briefings, new rules every day, doom threats constantly, weekly clapping rituals, repeating certain phrases over and over. Almost as one would expect when trying to hypnotise people, and condition them to a new way of life. They say it only takes 90 days to form a habit, so the length of time imposed for various restrictions and hoo-ha was more than enough. And some people would have been quite overwhelmed and shocked by the ‘unfolding disaster’ which appeared to be around them, so would have been potentially in a more receptive state to hypnotic and coercive techniques. I wrote a piece about the coercion tactics The three d’s of conversion under coercion for a little more on that.

But we can see around us now that it is all out in the open, and the book I read to find out about all this motivational industry marketing is called The Hidden Persuaders, written in the 50’s when this was unfolding in corporate America. Well, it is no longer hidden, and isn’t confined to America. Global corporations under the guise of international organisations have set their sights on a new fad, and we are slowly moving through the phases of their ‘marketing plan’, to cajole, coerce and convince the masses that it is all ‘for the greater good’. Of lining their pockets is the part they don’t say. More taxes, more money, more richness going all the way to the top, literally starving and choking the people now while they take ever more. It’s relentless and will continue to be until someone pulls the plug on the whole devious scheme to ruin people who have now served their original industrious purpose. And now appear to be needed for their medical cannon fodder and constant surveillance plans, seemingly using a constant stream of ‘illegal immigrants’ as either a distraction, a replacement population, a waiting army, just to upset any local and community cohesion that could take place to fight back at the authorities? It’s anyone’s guess at this stage what their ultimate goal is for this strange situation we find ourselves in, and when it will turn nasty for them. We are encouraged to spend time trying to imagine how bad it is going to get for us, with all the disaster films they have made, Prepped for disaster, or clever programming? covered that a bit, so you don’t need to even use your imagination. But more time needs to be spent on when it does go wrong for them, because things will change afterwards, they will have to. The old times and ways really are going to have to be left behind, but that doesn’t mean you have to follow the sterile, monitored path they have waiting and are trying to steer everyone towards. Making it seem as though that is the only way, because it’s what they have worked so very hard for and it’s what they seem to want. But because everyone didn’t just hand themselves over to their ‘vision’ at the start of the ‘pandemic’, they now have to do it through crazy politicians stumbling over targets of net zero and a very driven marketing campaign of protesters/actors and well placed and timed events. Steering and shaping society and opinions as they want them, introducing music, drugs, lifestyles, motivations, dreams, products, ideas and all sorts of things they wanted you to be aware of, thinking and doing. Don’t ever think they haven’t thought about anything that is a ‘public release’ item, whether it be a media piece or releasing biological agents on the unsuspecting public like they also did in the 50’s and 60’s, they will have given it an awful lot of thought…

(c) K Wicks

We Are Not Obsolete

We harvest energy from the sun and convert it, storing some and using when need. We can perform a range of functions that take a multitude of gadgets, devices and robots (all designed and originally built by people I might add). We can adapt and change if needed. It sounds like they want us to believe we are the old, and AI and robotics is the new.

But I see us as an already incredible functioning system which is the best of both of what they are looking to have instead. And the tinkering and tampering with the systems we have, is leading to disaster in my mind, and in the real world around us. Wanting to have such a great version of two things, that you combine it to make a crappier version of both. And maybe that’s how they see us, as the merged result of mechanics and wiring, that they would like to separate out, to need two things to perform a function. Hardware and usually software is needed for a machine to perform a task, we are both, born with both, which can naturally develop, or can be influenced or rewired. Although to be fair, we have apparently witnessed the results of if you don’t mentally give the software input to work with. To me I guess the example for that was the orphanages in Romania that hit the news a couple of decades ago, neglected children who had no stimulation or care, and were restrained in some cases – so not able to go about the usual pathways the brain and body would find on their own. I also think of our situation as that film Short Circuit, where the military grade robot is struck by lightning and gains a sentient personality, but is then consumed by in insatiable need for learning and ‘input’, so it can learn and develop and gain understanding. It’s seems like one of those silly 80’s movies, but I thought it was a great example of people, machines and ‘simulated life’. I guess The Matrix then moved in and gave us an entirely different perspective on man and machine, just as the terminator films before them. And I have written previously about Is it really the machines we should fear?

Because it seems that people are currently the problem, hiding behind machines. Far more serious than ‘keyboard warriors’, these people actually call the shots on society and people’s lives. And now using said technology to digitally imprison people in the real world, because just like the theory in The Matrix of us being harvested for our energy as ‘batteries’, maybe a need has arisen for them to have a similar type of set up.

To harvest the honey, we set up bees to go about their usual business, but it is in a confined, controlled environment, for our benefit. Their queen is placed so they will follow, they are given a ‘hive’ for them use as a factory to create what will be taken. In our situation, we are the bees, and whatever they want us for, is the honey. Whether it be energy, our thoughts and ideas, our compliance – it is still something they need, or at a minimum want. So, it seems until now, they have provided the perfect ‘factory’ for us, to go about our business, building things for them, fighting wars for them, jumping through hoops for them, just so we are ‘allowed’ to get on. Well, it would now appear that the needs might have changed somewhat, because they seem intent on slowly dismantling the existing infrastructure around us, and replacing us with new bees. But ones which don’t have to work, or produce anything, or on first appearances, do anything at all apart from just be there. Suspicious, isn’t it? We all know it’s not going well with thousands of people being offered everything on a plate, riling up the ones who have mostly not had anything handed on a plate, and in fact, are having their plates currently taken away from them. There is a price to all this, and one we won’t be able to measure just yet, but the expectations of people arriving are being manipulated for gain, just as they using the people already here. But if you require a new mindset and outcome from what you previously had, then you need to overhaul the business and change the staff, which is what it feels like they are doing. Out with the old, in with the new, corporate style.

Because it looks very much to people On the ground, that there is a replacement going on, of the current systems, traditions, culture and people. If you read the Kalgeri Plan, it does seem awfully close to what is occurring. Manufacture issues abroad, create displaced people, move them to where you need them, which then helps to break down and displace wherever they go. A problem is not solved by moving it along, but that is what politicians do, usually because they don’t know what to do, and won’t be there for too long in that position, so it doesn’t really matter about solving anything. Problems? Those are for people, not politicians. They just collect their salary, expenses, perks, pay-off and everything else that seems to make them really quite wealthy from ‘serving the people’. Makes you realise why it’s such a tight knit group, that gravy train has been going for quite some time and none of them want it to stop, not here or any other country. Power has very much gone to their head, we’ve seen it all over, laughing at the camera when asked serious questions, not answering, looking like a petulent teenager. I could be talking about any number of people there from a number of countries, weird, isn’t it? As if all those ‘Young leaders of the future’ that have ‘penetrated the cabinets’ aren’t quite all there. It’s noticeable, and people have wondered whether they are just so devoid of proper feelings that they aren’t able to show proper emotions, or answer very straightforward questions, or be able to maintain a normal interaction with an average person. Almost as if they have been tampered with, not just inserted into a cabinet, but rewired and programmed for a set purpose and cannot deviate, even if they wanted to. Invasion of the body snatchers style, but just with the mind. But the cold hard reality of it, is that these people are not acting in the best interests of anybody but themselves, and definitely not the millions of people they are charged with governing. They are not fit for our purpose, but appear to be for theirs. And just as our usefulness here in the UK appears to have run its course for the controllers, I can’t help but wonder what fate awaits all those ‘leaders’ who have played such a pivotal role in this, once their purpose has run its course…

(c) K Wicks

Ancient Siberian virus

So, I saw a new scientist article yesterday about discoveries in Siberia, of seven apparently, ancient viruses being found in the ice.

And now I’m thinking of the book I wrote…😬

The Unknown – A discovery in the Siberian tundra turns the entire world upside down, rewriting history and setting seemingly unstoppable forces in motion. In a race against time in a quickly changing world, they must learn to adapt to survive. Will people accept their fate or fight to save an existence that was always meant to end? Can humanity survive?

Chapter 1 – available to read for free here

(c) K Wicks

All books by K Wicks