Memory Stealers

Are we really sure that what we remember are actually our own memories? Or that they are accurate and can be trusted? My articles Memory and Hard Copy go into a couple of angles on memory, and why it might serve a purpose to mess with, confuse or destabilise it for people, so they don’t know what is true or not.

Dark City – yes, that film again, but part of the main aspect of it came to mind again when thinking about this. The fact they have stolen the people from somewhere, and then wiped their memories, instead creating new ones for them and injecting them directly into the brain. Upon awakening from a enforced ‘sleep’, they are the ‘new person’ and have no recollection of anything previous.

Alzheimer’s – a disease which affects memory, thinking, behaviour and social skills.

Hippocampus – the part of the brain that is responsible for memory, behaviour and emotion.

It seems the disease is a cruel twist of nature, to rob you of your memories and emotions towards the end, making life confusing, difficult and a strain on the brain and on those around the person. But is it entirely natural? Is it a consequence of something that end up building up in the brain, and goes somewhat unnoticed for the longest time. Only put down to age, or an unfortunate set of genes, or whatever they come up with to try and ease the burden. Because it would be so much worse if you knew you could have prevented it, or actually made it better once discovered.

And this is where I theorise about our memories being messed with on purpose, because if we don’t remember facts, dates, personal history and so on, then how can we pass it down? A part of the generational ancestral line gets broken, and can be replaced or rewritten in a much smaller timeframe, with less ‘removals’ I shall call them.

And perhaps we will start to see more of it among younger age groups. I had thoughts towards it after all those nasal swabs were encouraged (and possibly still are in some places). Wondering if that in itself was a quicker way to damage, or interfere with the hippocampus early on, no longer content to wait decades for a build-up of toxins or pollutants. Wanting a much faster result for purpose. And if those people have suffered damage in any way to that area, then as mentioned above, memories, emotions and behaviour can and would all be affected. It could go some way to explain some of the ‘personality changes’ people have mentioned along the way, observed in others. Of course, it could also just be a consequence of all the extra stress, pressure and unknowns being thrown at people on an almost constant basis by way of future threats, so there is a lot to contend with mentally. But if you aren’t functioning properly within that, then it will create an even more difficult arena to find normality.

I can’t help thinking though, that normality is no longer on the cards, and never was, just an illusion of it that is no longer needed. And it might sound far-fetched to think that they can inject actual memories into people, or extract them – but when I give it thought, there are other representations of that kind of thing.

Dumbledore in the Harry Potter films, in one of them he uses his wand to extract a memory and ‘save it for later’ to be viewed in one of their magical devices.

Dark Crystal – the crystal is used to extract the life force and memories of their slaves, leaving them as numb zombie type creatures.

Batman Forever – the Riddler and his invention to harvest the thoughts and mental energy from people while they watch television.

Like I said, it might sound far-fetched on the face of it, and the mechanics of the ideas put forward in the movies somewhat elaborate or fantastical. And just as they may be able to remove certain things, there is no saying they can’t put them in there either – the rise in reports of intrusive thoughts springs to mind there. But who knows what they can achieve through signals, implants, drugs and frequencies – as we don’t even know ourselves how our brains work so, how can we say for sure they haven’t been infiltrated. As I have said before, be mindful of your thoughts, and sometimes it might just be a good idea to question, whether those thoughts are really your own…

(c) K Wicks

How Weird?

In recent years I have heard the term Hollyweird, to denote how strange and weird the world of entertainment is, specifically the movie industry that centres around Hollywood and the main players of how it appears. And from what I have been reading and wondering, the word weird doesn’t quite cut it, but will suffice for now.

The super weird subject of EGI’s keeps popping up in the public arena I have noticed, further to other gender discussion you’ll find in A Strange Affair, A Slippery Slope, The Clothes Do Not Maketh The Man and The Face Of A Clown, A Masked Reality. But this one appears to be a growing can of worms and as it keeps milling around in my mind, I’ll give it form.

If you aren’t aware, there are rumours that there is an Elite Gender Inversion program afoot, hence the abbreviation, EGI. Meaning across the board in entertainment and other industries, people born as men have apparently been masquerading as women for decades. Now, it may well seem far-fetched and preposterous, and quite a stretch for the imagination to believe that all the people being touted as ‘changelings’ are such a thing. So, I will break it down into a few elements, as if you start to unpick the why of that project, then it does actually seem more plausible than it first appears. The other points of how and who can be factored in after the initial reasons of the why.

If you wanted to encourage women to be at the forefront of certain things, or to strive for that, then who better than to lead them, but women. So, suddenly prominent women are placed in corporate positions, in adverts, in politics, in media and so on, showing that society was progressive and inclusive finally. But wait, could it be that there was a twist after all, that in the overall disdain for women and need to hold them down, a bait and switch occurred? A manufactured standard of a ‘woman’ was created, an unobtainable version to actual women, but one they would try to attain and model themselves on. Accepted by their male counterparts, because there is something so very masculine about them. Now, just the conversation about it serves a double purpose, firstly, it either means that we have been deceived and no women in fact have achieved any positions of wealth, or power, or importance and it’s all been faked. Or, women have indeed had achievements to be proud of, but now that will be taken away because some people will think they were in fact, men. It’s a win, win in the new world of misinformation and the lines being blurred between what we knew as fact and fiction. Back to the idea of it being all men, who have been tinkered with from a young age to be part of the ‘Characters of Illusion’ and show women how they should be. And men now too are being pummelled with all sorts of similar tactics, beauty standards, how masculine you should be, your role in the household or in society etc, and they always did. But now it has ramped up a bit for them too.

And what are the psychological repercussions of having an unattainable standard to try and emulate? Could that help to facilitate internal confusion, eating disorders, depression, unrealistic expectations and thoughts? Possibly, as all that can just come from looking at what has been carefully crafted as beauty and perfection and been shoved down your throat as such, just from the feminine form. But if you factor in a general dislike of women, and how much it would torment them to never be able to look like what apparently men fawn over, that seems like something psychopaths would do. Then have a double laugh over the fact that men who say they like women, are actually getting turned on by men. And would play into this whole weird set up being exposed of sexual identify, gender reassignment and confusion that has been filtering its way into and through society and institutions for a few decades now. I watched a 1993 film the other day for the first time, and it made me chuckle. Last Action Hero, when the kid gets transported into the movie world, he makes a comment about how beautiful everyone is, and that’s how he knows it’s not the real world. Aside from the obvious meaning, he said it just after I had commented on how all the ‘women’ in the scenes, looked like men in drag, extremely tall, big hands, heavy set make up and very mannish. So, it has been there for some time, in the form of entertainment slowly changing our perceptions of things which we don’t always even notice, and sometimes it really is easy to see that something isn’t quite right.

Or, another wild theory in all this, is that they have been ‘putting something in the water’ for a while now, possibly more than just the overwhelming amount of drugs and contraceptives making their way into the water supply. Which in itself could have possibly caused a strange scenario where women are producing too much of the male hormones, and visa versa for men, who end up ingesting more female hormones than the human system can work around. So, men become feminised, and women become masculinised and as this would happen from conception onwards, could go some way to explain skeletal differences being pointed out as a marker to ‘spot the EGI’s’ – and it may well be that they are EGI’s, but could also be a way to hide the changing of everyone bit by bit, because we are focusing on a few examples who are the extreme version. The film LA Confidential shows how long they have been tinkering with faces and bodies, to chop and change what is, to create what they would like. This might just be the next phase, working towards that A-Gender that seems to be on the cards. People being homogenised, all the differences being exposed so they can be merged.

It’s apparently across the board though, in movies, modelling, music, politics, and any area where people are iconised for just doing what many others can do, but they are picked out as special. And quite possibly have been bred for purpose and don’t even know it, just like in the film The Island, where they didn’t know, and had the repeated phrase ‘You are special’ told to them, and ‘You want to go to the Island’. Seems even more creepy now once you link it to the Epstein Island getting a fair amount of attention for being a hub of child trafficking, Disney cruises stopping off there and various other child related and celebrity rumours. One Big Pie of weird, but just how weird remains to be seen…

(c) K Wicks

That’s The Ticket

A ticket to something strange, adventurous and magical. There are a few films that I notice have that as a theme, where there is an offer of something mystical and unknown, and a sort of verbal contract is entered before being represented with a physical item in the form of a ticket. Maybe a new twist on the signing away your soul idea, because there is no firm awareness, or signature it seems as though it is more benign. But what is being offered is often an exchange, as there is a need from the ticket bearer, although it might not at first be obvious what that is. I’ll put the most obvious one first, as this should be familiar to most people.

Charlie and the chocolate factory – the golden ticket being the hook for this tale, with a very odd journey thereafter to reveal what the ticket may lead to. Exposing some of the weaker traits in people where greed and selfishness are the main features of their personality. Showing how sometimes with very little incentive, people will happily throw their own to the wolves, or instantly separate themselves from others if they think they might ‘win’.

Big – although the film was centred around an arcade game, it was once the ticket had been issued, informing the bearer ‘Your wish has been granted’, that the magic was activated. The contract being sealed with you accepting the ticket. In that instance, making a child be an adult and go through adult experiences for months, before it manages to be reversed.

Last Action Hero – a magic movie ticket, when used, creates a portal between the movie screen and the ‘real world’, transporting the lead character into the story, who then becomes part of it. And then a little like we see around us today, where it seems the reverse has happened like at the end of the film, where the movie characters start coming out into our world instead, and the crazy storylines and scripts infiltrate reality.

Polar express – on the face of it, a nice film for children, set at Christmas and is about journeying to the North Pole to visit Lapland I think. But from what I remember, there are no parents, the kids are all picked up in their jammies in the middle of the night, and there is an odd conductor who oversees all of this. The ticket being hugely important, and gold again I believe, with the moment of panic when the main character can’t find his ticket and thinks he will be excluded.

It all seems to be about enticement, secrecy and agreeing to be part of the situation voluntarily. See my article They Are Vampires, But Not As You Know It, for more on that. And in these films, and others I’m sure, it’s usually put forward as magical, outrageous and thrilling in a good way mostly. Almost as if it’s priming young minds, to believe that when and if they find themselves being offered a golden ticket, it will be exciting and great things will follow. But as with many other illusions of this world, I fear that’s just how it seems…

(c) K Wicks


A colour most are familiar with, and one we are surrounded by in the natural world. In the man-made one, however, it has a different purpose.

Soylent Green – a fictional ‘product’ in the film of that name, where it was the food available after society has shafted itself. The twist being that soylent green was humans being fed back to humans unknowingly. Since we’ve had reports of humans remains being found in macdonalds, is it so far-fetched to think they do? Maybe that’s what it stood for with the yellow and red colour scheme, a different coding system using colours. See my article Seeing Red.

The Green agenda, people are now all too familiar with this term. Net zero, taxes, restrictions, and all the other hoo-ha that is being thrown in. Again, the word green being used to denote ‘nature’ but in fact the opposite is what gets proposed. A bait and switch, expecting grass, but you end up with AstroTurf.

Green screens in moviemaking to deceive the eyes and mind, a magical illusion you knowingly take part in. But can we tell when it is not so knowingly?

Green matrix background – when they show you ‘the code’. A glimpse into how the simulated construct appears behind the scenes, as never-ending streams and lines of green symbols. An intricate web of tiny green screens, creating an overall illusion, that the electric signals in your brain then pick up and projects – creating what we then know as a three dimensional ‘reality’. Or something like that.

Green of Oz – the emerald city and the green curtain that hid the truth. But it is said in the original stories, that the city wasn’t emerald at all, but the visitors were made to wear green glasses when they arrived, so that it only appeared as green and sparkly. A more manual version of that matrix code perhaps.

Green pops up in mythology here and there too, for the colour of skin. Reminding me of the strange children to appear from a save in Cornwall that has green skin, mentioned in Appearing From Nowhere. In Hinduism, the Goddess Matangi is represented as emerald green in colour, the Egyptian God Osiris is known to be green in many depictions too, to signify rebirth and growth they say. The Green Man myth from the British Isles along the similar vein. And for a more modern idea, we have The Incredible Hulk, not quite the same, and with quite a different backstory, but kind of fits when you realise how fantastical the ancient stories were, he might just fit quite well.

They say you get green with envy too (rather as anger as above) – that having its roots in Greek mythology and finding new footing with Shakespear’s Othello. And with symbolism and numerology being quite significant these days, maybe chromatics are important too. How they affect us, our mood, thoughts, feelings and ideas. So, there may just be more to green and other colours, than meets the eye…

(c) K Wicks