Urban Myths

We hear stories and local legends, and like with Fairy Tales, urban myths have a way of hanging around, being retold, shared, and handed down through generations sometimes. Smaller and more local than the grand Myths, Monsters and Legends that end up being known through various lands. These ones being relevant to their location and time, and often with threads of truth running through them, but have had their own element of ‘Chinese Whispers’ added over the years.

But I watched an interesting documentary about Staten Island, and of their urban legend called Cropsey. Now, I have already been looking at certain islands around that area, with Coney Island being mentioned in my articles A Train of Thought and Being Real, linking them to ideas of enticing young people to islands with promises of fun and freedom. Also, Ellis Island has not gone unnoticed as a central hub of movement, looking like an ordinary processing centre when told it was for registering immigrants to America, but it seeming like so much more now. But Staten Island is different, and as they say it, became a dumping ground. Not just for vast amounts of rubbish and waste from New York, but for the ill, disabled and infirm, with many buildings being used as hospitals, testing sites, disease control sites and so on. And it was only because of a missing child, in fact a number of missing children, that it became a very real focus point for many at that time. It seems there have been an awful lot of occasions where people, and more alarmingly children have gone missing and never been found, or what their final fate was. Becoming new legends and myths in people’s lives.

And many of us might remember such strange stories from our childhood, or have heard various legends of places along the way. A few films below that come to mind for this subject, which all have a slight supernatural element running through them, apart from The Village, that was more a psychological one pretending to have supernatural entities causing havoc.

Candyman (1992), The Blair Witch Project (1999), IT (1990), Jeepers Creepers (2001), Urban Legends (1998), The Village (2004), Nightmare on Elm Street (1984).

But we are led to believe that it’s the imagination that adds the supernatural elements and make them more than they are. However, that doesn’t seem to tally with what we see or know. Although people’s attention can be caught by sensationalism, mostly people prefer the reasonable and more ordinary answer. Often not willing to accept even the idea of an extra dimension of darkness, because it’s safer for the mind I suspect. So, I wonder how it is that such stories of demons, ghosts, witchcraft, vampires, rituals, entities and such made it into the mainstream. Just though fiction? Or is it that fiction is the only way to cross that border of ideas, comprehension, and understanding. To make people consider the extreme of it being real, so as to plant the seeds of warning.

And why would we need those warnings? Are movies and stories just a modern version of those old fairy tales, updated for the times but still there to pass it on. As well as desensitising some people, it alerts others, to the strange and dark that mostly likes to stay hidden and be among us, like the day walker, just blending in. So, myths and legends do something more than just entertain or keep the past alive. They are a cautionary tale often with threads of truth running through them, trying to reveal themselves. All we can do is pay attention as you just don’t know if it is just fiction after all…

A Short Walk – one of my short stories, if you like that sort of thing.

(c) K Wicks

Experimental or Just Mental?

When they say the lunatics are running the asylum, you know it’s getting bad, but it does rather seem as though they have been in charge for quite some time. But did a classic switcheroo, making average normal people think they were the crazy ones and needed helping, by the lunatics themselves no less. And people fell for it because those telling you that you were mad, were the ones wearing suits and white coats, after being conditioned to accept and trust those suits, uniforms and coats of course, and while they provided you with a straight-jacket, known as society. To snugly fit around you and tie you in, now looking to get us in padded cells and well and truly ‘under their care’.

I have already covered a number of sinister experiments and enterprises unleashed on the unsuspecting public in An Experiment, But A Big One. Of deliberately contaminating things, spraying things into the skies in the 50’s, ‘accidently’ infecting people with strange man-made germs or simian viruses in the 50’s and 60’s, more over the coming decades for others things they decided were out there. Causing untold grief and pain to millions of people under the guise of ‘we needed to test it’ or ‘it’s for your safety’. There is always more to know though, and sometimes it’s important for people to understand the types of people and their mentality that set up and run these institutes. Those who are capable of severe levels of cruelty and are so lacking in compassion, it really it quite shocking. But they are very firmly among us, so best to know.

After watching a documentary about an Urban Myth which started one line of though and an article, I couldn’t help being horrified for some of the other things I learnt after reading up on the main place featured. Willowbrook, a hospital for disabled and mentally impaired children, there is footage showing the terrible and more dire conditions that children were in, and being kept in as an official facility, with public access! So, a now famous TV presenter, sneaked in with cameras to try and blow the lid of it they say, yet it took a further 15 or so years to close it down or get attention towards it, but it helped his career greatly it is said. But it was shocking to see generally, shocking to know it was 1972 it was filmed, showing how we think of the Victorian era for that type of thing, yet it was flourishing and probably still is. They didn’t close that place until 1987, and it’s heartbreaking when you read about it as well.

I’ll just lay it out as there is no good way to say it – they deliberately infected the children with hepatitis, then made other children drink chocolate milk with the faeces of the infected children, to try and infect them that way. Now, if you really told people that’s how they ‘test’ these medicines and drugs they give people, would they still go along with it? We all know they test on animals, but mostly turn a blind eye to that shockingly too, even after the pictures of beagles having their heads eaten alive by sandflies, courtesy of Faust himself, Fauci. But there are other too, as it was Willard Graylan and his bio emporiums of living cadavers idea that should be enough to scare people to awareness, because he wanted them so he have body parts to use, and could avoid using mentally retarded children. But there are multiple incidents of them deliberately infecting people, The Tuskegee Study for example, where the people doing it knew exactly what they were doing. And I am sure they were told it was for ‘The Greater Good’ and it will ‘save lives’ as a cover to help their conscience if they had one, just as they do today. As with other incidences of pretending to help, turning up in white coats pushing products to get people off natural remedies, powdered milk instead of breast milk, shots as soon as you are born, top ups throughout your life. Don’t worry, it’s all for that greater good. But as I have mentioned before, you need to start analysing that and wondering who’s greater good they actually mean.

There are also others where they have used children, mentioned in my article A Rather Dark Enterprise, of the foundling hospitals, where they admitted children, tested on them, and many died it seems, the shocking stats are in the article. But why did they die? Where did they go? And it really does go some way to explain why they would need living conditions to be restricted for general folk, making it so they can’t afford to keep their children. But no matter, the helpful authorities have a solution, they will offer you money to leave your children with them, they will then provide institutions for them, and therefore need a constant supply. Laws then follow to separate the parent and child bond, legally and emotionally, and the next generation become more state chattel rather than free human. And now they say they have developed a way to make and grow babies in a pod (as discussed in Pod Life and Pod Life 2), so, I wonder if they have decided that they no longer need people to be able to breed so freely as they once did. As they now have enough ‘stock’ to go it on their own, or the technology to not need so many ‘bodies’ living or dead. It’s hard to know for sure, and although it isn’t pleasant to know or understand these things, I feel that nonetheless they need to considered. These are some very dark times, and the more you know, the darker it gets…

(c) K Wicks

A Change in the Weather

It seems there is much talk afoot about The Weather, and rightly so it would appear, as all is not what it seems.

But there’s more, because there have also been public articles on certain people’s desires to literally block out the sun, chalk the atmosphere and restrict heat and light. Also mentioned in It’s A Cover Up.

That first article of mine though focusing mainly on the cloud aspect, the chemtrail discussion and countries that had admitted to cloud seeding and ‘weather operations’. Spain, China, UK, Tasmania and now we have Saudi Arabia to add to the list. That’s just known incidents, where it converged with a major storm and bought more rain than could be coped with, by land or people. There are also documentaries and patents about weather engineering and modification, plans and programs they have envisioned. All neatly moving towards their goal of being able to control people through the weather, even if just by propaganda rather than being able to directly control the weather. Like with their behavioural Nudge, Nudge unit worked on people for the pandemic, they then had to have something real to back it up for people to ‘see’, even if that ‘evidence’ is often fabricated, manipulated or absent in reality. Just the idea of it seems to be enough for some, their own imaginations then running with it, or perhaps being nurtured by the extra triggers and well placed propaganda to keep it alive in people’s minds.

But it isn’t hard to see a reason of why they might want to mess with the weather and temperatures, conveniently at the same time as they want everyone to be afraid of climate change. Something that will and does happen naturally anyway, but making people fear it without proper reasoning, quite clever really psychologically. Just as it was to make people scared of other people, of breathing, of living. To distort their normal and replace it with anxiety and fear, so the other option perhaps seems less fraught with anxiety, to hand over the ‘safekeeping’ of all those fearful things to the institution that made you frightened of them in the first place.

We really do have an already changeable climate in the UK though, and we do understand that if it keeps raining and has no sunshine, then crops fail, the land gets waterlogged, nothing grows properly for a time, and it becomes a struggle. There have been a number of times in our history where we are led to believe that extended cooling, or wet, or heat, will cause problems. And if the people weren’t beholden to restrictions, boundaries, stats and quotas then things could be done to mitigate issues, or work around them to make sure we use our ingenuity to solve problems. Unfortunately, there is usually a rule or law that disrupts or halts anything good happening, or decent change being able to be implemented.

Like I said, we have had a turbulent weather history here for hundreds of years, and in that time various things come and go that mean us harm, natural and otherwise. An interesting piece of information I came across recently was that here in England, malaria used to be a notable problem, which did confuse me somewhat, as I had been led to believe it was a warm climate issue. And you might say, well, Britain could have been warmer back then, and I thought so as well, until the information says otherwise –

“From 1564 to the 1730s—the coldest period of the Little Ice Age—malaria was an important cause of illness and death in several parts of England. Transmission began to decline only in the 19th century, when the present warming trend was well under way.”

So, makes me wonder about the temperatures we are considering it to have been a little ice-age for nearly two hundred years, if malaria carrying mosquitoes were a known thing. Also seems funny to think that it started to decline as it got warmer, makes no sense to me when you read about current malaria mosquitoes needing a tropical climate. They say we have patchy records going back as far as 1659 from one area of the UK, so I’m guessing it’s ice cores and tree rings they are maybe using to work out the rest, with models and predictions based on that trying to them predict the future. Not so they can help it, or avoid it in any way, but so they can use it against people and then tax it, as with everything else we have or gets out forward as an idea.

Like someone who comes to talk to you, but every time they do, they want an investment for this amazing ‘opportunity’, then they come back for more, for another one, and that ‘deal’ falls through, and doesn’t happen. In normal real life, when the leeching charlatan comes back again, you would ordinarily tell them to do one, unless it’s family in which you may get sucked in again. But if a complete stranger knocked on your door, trying to sell you something but without having anything to sell other than an idea, which needed your money to make it work, you would slam the door in their face. Or send them to Dragons Den perhaps, but in reality that is all the government is doing, coming up with crazy ideas that don’t work, and making us pay for them, because they worked out people will see through it and not play that game, so laws follow to force it on the masses. To try and normalise something that which is very much not, and making it an extra level of interference in people’s lives and ability to sustain themselves.

And that is why the weather is very important as a component of our sustainable planet and if you can harness that in any way, it gives you a certain amount of power. And because there have also been many signs to be wary of those pushing the fear, it would be wise to start to understand this isn’t a conspiracy anymore, as it is not a secret in any way. They want to cut back on beef and meat, chickens are to be registered, farms and farmers are being hammered, small gardens needing to registered, no growing your own food, lab printed ‘meat’, cockroaches and bugs being pushed as part of the future of food. And that is just a snippet of the very real ideas being engineered, either just by the media, or actually in real life too, with the labs and factories being shown, and the people running and funding it talking with glee about their ideas to force humanity to ‘change its ways’. Keeping in mind, ‘those ways’ were also put in place by the engineers of society, wanting their industries, their products, their profits to be at the top. Same shit, just different ideas and a new set of madmen to try and lead us into the abyss…

(c) K Wicks

The Conditions Are Set

We all know that environment has much to do with outcome and the standard within which we live has an effect. For Plants and People, animals and nature as a whole, we are all dependent on what is around us, to sustain us and to help us thrive. So as with any other living thing, if you begin to screw with its surroundings, nutrients, roots, light and start dumping rubbish on top, well, then things start to change.

As we can see around us at the moment, they are poisoning the environment bit by bit, like the boiling frog analogy, where it doesn’t notice as the water slowly heats up, but if you dumped it into the boiling water straight away, it would jump out. We are in the water, and we are the frogs in case you hadn’t realised. With each sinister move being a move to heat up ‘the pot’. Putting sewage in the water, infecting animals, spraying crap into the skies, producing substandard food, teaching absolute nonsense, destroying road systems, cramming too many people into accommodations or areas, threatening financial collapse, and so on. All at once no less.

But previous conditions we are told weren’t even half as favourable as they are now, and if we are led to believe that people aren’t breeding because of ‘social reasons’ haven’t paid attention to numbers of the past. Where just in this country alone they say people had upwards of eight children, sometimes eleven or twelve as standard, and although some would perish of what they called ‘normal’ diseases or situations, mostly they appear avoidable – things like hunger and malnutrition, exposure to chemicals, bad living conditions etc. Obviously once the demographics of the country were changed by various industrial enterprises where those ‘dire living conditions’ were set up, detailed more in A Working Strategy – of workhouses, factories and ways to make people move where you want them to, to do the jobs you want them to. Creating slums and ghettos, to keep the ‘peasants’ separated by way of carefully places systems, rules, laws, regulations and ‘education’.

But so many turning into fewer as the decades went on, and now many countries are saying they are going to have a population crash in the near future as the ratio of new births against deaths is no longer sustainable, by their calculations. Probably just a coincidence that prominent people over the last few decades have tried to lay it on very thick about how much of a problem it is, that there are too many people, not enough resources blah blah blah. Becoming a ‘Philanthropist’ to show they are looking to help people and society move towards an idea, with them being presented as a benign ATM machine there to just facilitate ‘The Greater Good‘. However, if we are Paying Attention, then we would understand that many ideas put forward under the guise of the above, is often instead A Rather Dark Enterprise, where things like foundling hospitals with a near 99% death rate for children appear. With laws then following with reasons of why and how they can take people’s children off them, or just simply starve them so they can’t afford to feed them, as we see in many areas of the world today.

Even in this country though in these modern times, they engineered it so that wages stayed low, and they offered you ‘top up’ by way of a benefit handout, meaning you start being more dependent on them, everything they do is to limit and minimise your independence. You can work, but not earn enough to survive without them, you can live on your own, but only with them watching, you can feed yourself, but only with food they provide, you can travel, but only when they say where and when. Do you see the creeping pattern? Not so much creeping anymore, but kind of out there for everyone to see, or at least to piece together if they so wish. And once you do piece it together, you might find It Seems An Attack is upon us, because once you lay it all out, it is…

(c) K Wicks