Books and writing fiction

There hasn’t been much time for fiction recently, with much to talk about within reality that is far more pressing and interesting and many articles have come of it. But some fiction will hopefully make it through in 2022, a new book of short stories is nearing completion and there are always more ideas jostling for position, so we will see what makes the grade. For now though, this is a rundown of my books that are already available if you find yourself in need of something else to think about 🙂

The Willing Observer – Fictional autobiography of a stalker/psychopath breaking down their methodology

A Parallel Abyss – A paranormal horror thriller

The Unknown – Horror/sci-fi story of a virus that changes the world (that one might not be an escape as such, but isn’t along the same lines as what is going on).

Under the Apple Tree and other short stories – Six short creepy stories, each with a twist – two of these are available to read on here if interested. Clocking Off and Doctors Visit.

Meeting in the Middle of Nowhere – A non-fiction book discussing the differences between Aphantasia and Hyperphantasia.

Rhyme and Reason – Poetry inspired by life.

Rhyming Reason – Volume II – Observational poetry of society and of the unfolding drama around us currently.

All the links for these can be found here on my book page

(c) K Wicks

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