An Elemental Shift

Nature fighting back? Also revealing a very obvious point of failure for the new systems and technologies they herald as ‘the future’. Two incidents recently highlighting it, a hail storm completely destroying an entire solar panel ‘farm’ and not for the first time. And a tornado taking down five wind turbines, only two storms to take them out. Seems even more foolish when things like that lay it bare. In fact, three incidents if you count the footage of a hawk taking down a small delivery drone.

But people are already questioning the logic of what almost sounded like a good idea. Harnessing the already available sources, clean energy for all, hinting at working towards it being so clean and plentiful it might be free one day. While at the same time tying people into grids, smart meters, unaffordable prices and misery. Oh, and don’t forget, ruining vast areas of agricultural land, countryside, eco systems and more. Just to keep up the bat shit crazy net zero illusion they parrot. Which neatly keeps filling up their pots of gold, more, more, more. Greed, desires and ideals have co-ordinated to create a very ugly and monstrous society.

But the landscape plays an ever increasingly important role in it all, because that is what is being used to control everyone through geographical locations and food, technologies and systems, as well as curtailing freedoms with physical fences, barriers and restrictions. Who’s That Trip Trapping on My Bridge goes into that bit more and the ways they have already obstructed and herded us into place for quite some time. And various articles on the types of systems and technologies they propose to use, telling people the plan and going ahead whether they like it or not. Because often people will just take the easy road, or the one of least resistance as they call it, for that ‘quiet life’ some think exist currently. But being honest, it couldn’t be made clearer that there is no intention for anyone to have a quiet life anymore, unless you are lucky enough to have always been on the fringes, or have moved towards that of late. In fact, they appear to be pushing a very disturbed and intruded upon life, more than they had already were. Because for decades we have already been playing the game, signing in and signing up, voting, paying your taxes and being a ‘good little citizen’ as they would call it. And many, although might not like the overall idea of that, would rather have that than anything else, they know no different, want no different. And in all fairness, you can’t really blame them for that, the conditioning worked, as it did on all of us in some way.

And an equally important role being played, appears to The Weather. With talk (and patents) of geoengineering and various weather programs. Now, these things do occur, but the debate seems to be for what purpose, and to question the official reasons being given. Because much gets agreed and orchestrated behind closed doors, with a public friendly version for the masses, if they are ever privy to it. The trail of destruction and denial shouldn’t be overlooked, just because they ‘finally admit it’ in the end, over fifty years later in some cases, like the blood scandal now surfacing. But it isn’t just now surfacing at all, I mention it in my article An Experiment, But A Big One, and many have tried to bring it to the light of the general public, but the full story. That is what was held back, the deliberateness of it all, the choice by ‘science’ to ignore humanity, and test on children, dooming nearly all of them of them to quite slow and painful deaths, of which they were aware would be upon them. What an awful physical and psychological thing to do to someone, let alone a child. I bet they then studied them for that too, to see how they ‘coped’ with it, just so they could get their notes, and whatever result they had already decided on. Cruelty of a bizarre, detached and inhumane nature.

And even now, they do it with the recent event, to physically and mentally torture people, for the advancement of ‘science’, that cover word to do whatever you want, to whoever you want with what appears to be very little or no recourse. They are crippling economies, people, landscapes, health, animals and even talk of blocking out the sun (yes, even after installing solar powered things), all the name of ‘science’, and the computer-generated models they worship as the ultimate tool of enslavement. Thinking a chart, a graph and statistics are really good enough anymore to get everyone to just play along, while your eyes, ears and senses convey a very different picture. The divide of thinking at the moment is as wide as the divide of wealth, and it all seems very precarious…

(c) K Wicks

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