The Conditions Are Set

We all know that environment has much to do with outcome and the standard within which we live has an effect. For Plants and People, animals and nature as a whole, we are all dependent on what is around us, to sustain us and to help us thrive. So as with any other living thing, if you begin to screw with its surroundings, nutrients, roots, light and start dumping rubbish on top, well, then things start to change.

As we can see around us at the moment, they are poisoning the environment bit by bit, like the boiling frog analogy, where it doesn’t notice as the water slowly heats up, but if you dumped it into the boiling water straight away, it would jump out. We are in the water, and we are the frogs in case you hadn’t realised. With each sinister move being a move to heat up ‘the pot’. Putting sewage in the water, infecting animals, spraying crap into the skies, producing substandard food, teaching absolute nonsense, destroying road systems, cramming too many people into accommodations or areas, threatening financial collapse, and so on. All at once no less.

But previous conditions we are told weren’t even half as favourable as they are now, and if we are led to believe that people aren’t breeding because of ‘social reasons’ haven’t paid attention to numbers of the past. Where just in this country alone they say people had upwards of eight children, sometimes eleven or twelve as standard, and although some would perish of what they called ‘normal’ diseases or situations, mostly they appear avoidable – things like hunger and malnutrition, exposure to chemicals, bad living conditions etc. Obviously once the demographics of the country were changed by various industrial enterprises where those ‘dire living conditions’ were set up, detailed more in A Working Strategy – of workhouses, factories and ways to make people move where you want them to, to do the jobs you want them to. Creating slums and ghettos, to keep the ‘peasants’ separated by way of carefully places systems, rules, laws, regulations and ‘education’.

But so many turning into fewer as the decades went on, and now many countries are saying they are going to have a population crash in the near future as the ratio of new births against deaths is no longer sustainable, by their calculations. Probably just a coincidence that prominent people over the last few decades have tried to lay it on very thick about how much of a problem it is, that there are too many people, not enough resources blah blah blah. Becoming a ‘Philanthropist’ to show they are looking to help people and society move towards an idea, with them being presented as a benign ATM machine there to just facilitate ‘The Greater Good‘. However, if we are Paying Attention, then we would understand that many ideas put forward under the guise of the above, is often instead A Rather Dark Enterprise, where things like foundling hospitals with a near 99% death rate for children appear. With laws then following with reasons of why and how they can take people’s children off them, or just simply starve them so they can’t afford to feed them, as we see in many areas of the world today.

Even in this country though in these modern times, they engineered it so that wages stayed low, and they offered you ‘top up’ by way of a benefit handout, meaning you start being more dependent on them, everything they do is to limit and minimise your independence. You can work, but not earn enough to survive without them, you can live on your own, but only with them watching, you can feed yourself, but only with food they provide, you can travel, but only when they say where and when. Do you see the creeping pattern? Not so much creeping anymore, but kind of out there for everyone to see, or at least to piece together if they so wish. And once you do piece it together, you might find It Seems An Attack is upon us, because once you lay it all out, it is…

(c) K Wicks

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