Winter Tree

It snowed quite heavily here over the weekend and I managed to get in a short walk to enjoy the snow covered trees. This was one of my favourite shots.

Winter Tree

Available as a print in case anyone would like a wintery wall.

Or as cards 🙂

(c) K Wicks

Banyan Tree – Fort Myers

This rather strange tree is called a Banyan. A type of fig tree, the seeds invade an established tree and take over the host leading to its demise. Also giving it its other name of the strangler fig. A tree for a horror story if ever there was one! Originally found in the Indian Subcontinent, this one (planted in 1920’s) is at Edison Park, Fort Myers, Florida.

Banyan Tree 1

I was there with my grandparents back in 2006 who had taken to spending six months of the year there when the winter weather moved in here. And this one was of the excursions they had planned. The botanical gardens were great, and I think we went into the winter lab but to be honest, the tree was the most impressive part.

Banyan Tree 2

It’s all one tree, that just keeps dropping more roots and creating more seeds to spread elsewhere if it can. Seems very parasitic for a tree. But then that’s nature for you.

Banyan Tree 3

It definitely goes down as one of the impressive bits of nature I have seen. Not the best – that still stands with the giant redwoods in Yosemite Park, California that I saw back in 1991. That really was something special.

Me with Thomas Edison

(c) K Wicks