Apple lattice pie

Haven’t made a plain apple pie for a while, so thought my new pie dish deserved a good start. Bit messy, but looks good.

(c) K Wicks

Banana Ice-Cream Lolly – recipe

Another homemade adventure, trying to work out good things to do with condensed milk. That with whipped cream, a small amount of milk and some banana flavouring works a treat.

100ml Sweetened condensed milk

100ml double cream

50ml semi-skimmed milk

1/2 tsp of banana flavour

Whisk until really bubbly and pour into moulds, leave to set for 12 hours. Enjoy.

(c) K Wicks

Orange Gummy Sweets – recipe

To make some of your own awesome jelly sweets…

80g orange juice (no bits)

2 tbsp honey

2 tsp sugar

1/2 tsp orange extract

9g gelatine powder

Heat the juice, sugar,  extract and honey. Mix the gelatin powder in a small separate bowl with some cold water (about 30ml). Once the sugar is dissolved, take off the heat and stir in the congealed gelatine until fully dissolved.

Use a dropper to transfer liquid into moulds, and then put in the fridge to set for an hour or two. Then enjoy.

You can use apple or strawberry juice, or whatever juice you might like, although some tropical ones don’t work with gelatin apparently.

(c) K Wicks

Buttermilk Pancakes Recipe

I found a use for the buttermilk that is left after I make butter, pancakes seemed to be a good choice to try. I have also used it for making southern fried chicken, but prefer a different method, so needed another use for it.

145g plain flour

100 ml buttermilk

60 ml full fat milk

1 tsp bicarb of soda

1/2 tsp baking powder

1 tsp caster sugar

1 egg

1 tsp vanilla extract

1 tsp natural banana flavouring (optional)

In a bowl, mix the flour, bicarb, baking powder and sugar.

In a jug whisk the egg, milk and vanilla extract (as well the banana flavouring).

Slowly add the milk mix to the flour mix whisking as you go until it is smooth. Leave for at least 10 minutes before using, I put mine in the fridge for half an hour first.

Put a frying pan on high heat, lightly rub on butter leaving no excess. Once hot (at least two minutes), spoon the mix into blobs leaving enough room so they don’t touch. Leave for 2 minutes and turn over, then after another minute or so they will be done.

Serve with maple syrup and raspberries – or with whatever your preferred topping is.

(c) K Wicks

Upside down dessert – apple pastry slice

I have tried this before, but not upside down, so when I saw the short vid for it showing how east it was, I knew I was trying it. Previous attempts at doing it from the pastry up didn’t quite work, so backwards it is 👍

Lay a line of honey, carefully place apple slices on it, then a bit more honey, then the pastry. Press down the edges a bit, and brush with egg.

180°c (fan) for 15 minutes.

(c) K Wicks