Strawberries 2024

The strawberries have begun to ripen.

(c) K Wicks

Strawberry cheesecake

I used my other cheesecake recipe for this, but reduced the ingredients slightly and swapped raspberries for strawberries.


150g digestive biscuits

50g melted butter

170ml double cream

60g caster sugar

300g cream cheese

125g fresh strawberries

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

These will be the speed version – a more detailed cheesecake approach is here for the Raspberry Cheesecake recipe I have used for a few years, which started as blueberries so really, whichever fruit you choose is good.

Crush the biscuits, melt the butter. Mix them.

Then put into the paper lined tin and press down, put in fridge.

Then mix the sugar and double cream together until super smooth and silky. In a separate bowl soften the cream cheese. Then add the creamed sugar and vanilla extract. At this point I blended about 80g of the strawberries and added to the mixture – folding everything through to make sure all mixed.

Add the creamy fruity mixture on top of the biscuit base and evenly distribute to the edges. Put back in fridge. Is ok after a couple of hours, but for best results leave overnight. Then I add fresh cut strawberry when ready to serve.

As we won’t eat the whole cheesecake at once, I dress each piece with strawberries when ready 🙂

It was rather delicious and makes me wonder why it took me so long to make one!

(c) K Wicks

Homemade Strawberry cream filled chocolates

So, making Orange filled chocoloates wasn’t enough and I now have the bug for making cream filled chocolates. I decided to go for strawberry, with a plan to send some as a gift to my grandpa who adores chocolate and said feel free to post them to him anytime. Say no more…

Same line up as the orange (although at the last minute decided to use a star mould), and used strawberry syrup for the filling. And a pinch of edible glitter, because you know, its christmassy.

I halved the recipe again from the first one, so –


half a cup of double cream,

200g of sugar

100-150g of dark chocolate

Soaked together, then heated to 240f, and a whole tablespoon of corn syrup. The consistency was much sticker and more toffee like for this one, then let cool (adding a small amount of butter and turning over first). Then i mixed in the strawberry syrup, leaving some streaking through (and the glitter). Around 80g of chocolate melted for the mould, then in the freezer for at least 10 minutes too set before you add the filling.

Chocolate moulds filled with strawberry, melt the rest of the chocolate and then cover each splace, smoothing over with a pallet knife if really bumpy, and back in the freezer to chill, then in the fridge.

Proper tasty, and I also made some orange shells yesterday with the left over orange filling to have a variety to send.

And now they are boxed up ready to be sent tomorrow after buying a few boxes and little cases for them to stop them sliding around in the dividers. I am rather pleased at how they look and am pretty sure I won’t be buying certain brands again. I’ll be making lemon ones at the weekend hopefully so we’ll see if this is a fluke, or if I’ve got the knack 😉

(c) K Wicks