
This thought started with the word star, and why it might get attached to a celebrity once they reach a certain level of popularity. And how a recent description I read in a book referencing Egar Cacey and how he saw a star type shape representing the collective consciousness. With all the points on it being each individual, all connected by some only on the out reaches of the thoughts, and others with abilities to delve a bit deeper into the abyss of thoughts.

So, when a person is put forward as a ‘star’, to take the thoughts of millions of people and have their attention, does that create a mini version? A small sub group who become more separated from the collective consciousness and become part of another, worshipping a fake creation, rather than focusing on yourself or the bigger picture. And often hooked in by the lure of a melody, but there are also movie ‘stars’ who get the media attention necessary to make them be a fixation for many.

We also have stars used in symbolism, the five pointed one being associated with paganism, six pointed for the star of David, and an eight pointed star of Ishtar. The shape of the things in the sky we call stars do not actually appear in that shape though when viewed through a telescope. So, I wonder instead of the apparent group consciousness we are said to be part of. And if by distracting your thought towards one of the points that is luring you in, do you then start to lose your own subconscious connection to your stream. Instead you get sucked into someone else’s, making them ‘shine brighter’ by taking others energy and thoughts. Kind of leads back to my article They Are Vampires, But Not As You Know It, and of my speculations of thoughts and energy being harvested in The Main Arena, also associated with ritual gathering of great numbers of ‘adoring fans’ to give them the attention and validation they require. Perhaps.

But the idea of the group consciousness is indeed not a new one, and has been described as a giant mass with points to denote all the individuals that are part of it. Giving form to what I had only thought of before as The Hive, and only as a negative thing, likening us to drones rather than a collective of free spirits taking part in a rather elaborate learning process. Bound to the earth by flesh, but also seems we are bound to a bigger existence by thought and what we have called consciousness. And just as humans appear to seek to dominate and manipulate our earthly realm, it would stand to reason that there would also be interference towards any subconscious or spiritual abilities we might have. Dulling the senses enough so that we mostly forget, but like a nagging thought tapping you on the back of the head, it stays with you, hoping one day when the time is right, you will remember…

(c) K Wicks

New painting – starry night sky

Having tried all weekend to paint and coming up very short of my own expectations, I finally found my groove last thing on Sunday night. Back on the acrylics and night skies and getting into the new pack of colours I treated myself to.

I don’t think I will be waiting until the weekend to do more, as I have the bug again. There is a another busy week of work ahead so will try and squeeze in some evenings so I don’t lose the momemtum. Although the photo is ok, have to say, it looks better in real life and is propped up next to me at my desk now as it’s super pretty 🙂

(c) K Wicks