Growing season 2024

Growing season is well underway, now its just a battle between the plants and the slugs. Although I have taken to updating the sil tray to accommodate more inside on the window sil.

(c) K Wicks

Green goddess salad

Sometimes you see a recipe, and it keeps popping into mind. This one also kept popping back up on YouTube, so was a good reminder. And today I just happened to have all the ingredients and thought why not. I made up my own measurements as I went along, and if you want other combinations, check out youtube as there are many variations.

Cucumber and green cabbage diced as the base salad.

For the dressing –

Handful of parsley or basil (or both)

1 avocado

Clove of garlic

A few nuts (I used almonds)

2 tablespoons of olive oil

Spoon of houmous

A tap of chili flakes

Half a lime squeezed

1 tbls of maple syrup

Pinch of salt

Blend and you now have a delicious dressing for the cabbage and cucumber. Pour over and completely mix through, then enjoy with whatever you like 😋

(c) K Wicks