The strangest tale… (poetry)

The strangest tale

A scourge on our time

Of demons and evils

A sinister crime

A darkness unveiling

That more can now feel

No longer it matters

What they say is real

Because with a knowing

Is an absence of fear

It’s more than belief

It’s a deep-felt idea

That in their quite twisted

And augmented dream

Where they cannot let go

Of this digital scheme

They’re caught in a loop

And cannot now stray

There’s too much at stake

And now is in play

It’s not as sewn up

As it maybe appeared

It’s gone rather rogue

And now really weird

With things being darker

Than some can admit

But others who’ve noticed

Will no longer sit

And allow this disaster

On our watch to unfold

And when the time comes

We need to be bold


In these strange times ahead

(c) K Wicks

There is a problem… (poetry)

There is a problem

We can’t ignore

They’ve taken much

But still want more

More of your thought

Your wants and time

To cover the tracks

Of their dastardly crime

That rather large issue

That grows day by day

And no matter their words

It won’t go away

Because we can see

What they try to hide

A disaster unfolds

And we just can’t abide

So many complicit

The network is vast

Thoughts were created

And spells have been cast

Building the stage

For a scene they have set

Hoping that people

Will get lost and forget


Just what they have done

(c) K Wicks

It seems their hand… (poetry)

It seems their hand

They’ve overplayed

And their welcome

Well out stayed

A box of worn tools

That wants to dictate

Creating a landscape

Of worry and hate

Of numbers and rules

And pawns for a plan

Not about living

But more if they can

Crush and contain

What it is that we do

Wanting to change us

To be something new

A dampened down version

To do as we’re told

The future’s not bright

In fact it’s been sold

But we are complicit

If we do go along

With all of the bullshit

And all of the wrong

That is now around us

And more than on show

Time keeps ticking on

And further we go


To whatever end

(c) K Wicks

I’m not sure what’s happened… (poetry)

I’m not sure what’s happened

It’s like a strange veil

Is moving its way

With a mind to derail

Because if people

Could really give thought

To think a bit further

Than the narrative taught

Then maybe they’d see

That the ones trying to show

And tell you of darkness

So many now know

But those are the folk

Who mostly now choose

To shout if they can

With so much to lose

Yet the ones with their hands

Quite firmly in the pot

Just push it further

And seems they will not

Admit they are part

Of the sinister whole

They created for purpose

To gain full control


But all is not going to plan…

(c) K Wicks