Creepy and well-paced – Review

Have to say, it’s a very nice feeling to know someone has enjoyed reading something you have written. And very much appreciate that time was taken not only to read it, but to review it 🙂

(c) K Wicks

Azalea House – book review

I haven’t got in much reading at all over the last couple of years, but I noticed this one on social media with this description from a recent reader –

“If you love a creepy haunted house where the ghosts aren’t half as terrifying or tragic as the living people inside it, this is a must read.”

That sounded just the sort of thing I would actually like to read, so rather than think about it and forget. Ordered it straight away, started reading on the day it arrived and finished by the next day! Good pace and plot, with everything else balancing perfectly in between. A most enjoyable read 🙂

(c) K Wicks

Infinity – Book Review

Having only recently got back into reading short stories I was very happy with this choice.

This story is a bit longer than a short, and a bit shorter than a novella, but it wasn’t noticed once I started reading.

Infinity by Marc W Shako.

Quite an unusual storyline, reminiscent of Logans Run for me, but slightly more gritty and quite fast paced. Each chapter led on well to the next and although the immediate story going on was wrapped up, there was the implication of much more. It would be nice to see the story developed into a full novel. But definite thumbs up from me.

Door and other twisted tales – Book Review

A thoroughly enjoyable read. A varied collection of strange tales, nearly all the stories kept me engaged and quite hooked from the first page of each. Atmospheric and creepy. Set in very different times and locations, they create a great feeling of weird. I especially enjoyed them as like mine, they aren’t gory, but give you an overall sense of unease.

Door and other twisted tales by Catherine McCarthy

The Kid Who Would Be King – Film Review

This was a random find, my husband actually recorded it for me as he knows despite many films and years, The Goonies is still my favourite, followed closely by Time Bandits and Super 8. So any adventure film gets mentioned, but not all get watched to the end. Of late I have watched some terrible films and just wanted something to entertain me and hold my interest. The Kid Who Would Be King did just that.

A slightly fresher idea for the King Arthur legend compared the other Arthur based films recently, this was full of adventure, some mild peril and fun enough to keep me watching. The cast were well picked and did a good job, I look forward to seeing more of Louis and Dean, they were great. And Angus Imrie as young Merlin was just a delight (as much as it is to watch his mother on TV too – and I was luckily enough to catch her at the theater years ago), a most enjoyable watch. Another gem from director Joe Cornish (Attack the Block).

So if you are looking for a fun afternoon gallivanting around the English countryside with swords and a destiny, then this is the film for you.

The Kid who would be king


Mortal Engines – Film Review

It’s taken me a number of weeks to get round to this review, because I wanted to know if I left it for a bit, would my opinion change, would I feel any different to my first assessment? We all know we can be in the ‘wrong mood’ for things sometimes, but this was a big fail for me.

To be honest the story line was only mildly appealing, really they enticed me in with CGI and the promise of action, and I thought just maybe there would be a storyline to hold it all together. After all they had roped in one of the greats from Matrix and Lord of the Rings, Hugo Weaving. But alas, even this wasn’t enough to save the poorly scripted, weirdly presented ramshackle movie.

Style over substance was the sentence that sprung to mind while watching, but even the style seemed overdone and misplaced. The younger lead roles were irritating and distant and they never really convinced me of their apparent plight. I tried to watch a second time to give it another go, but the failures as a film held me back and I gave up. For me that’s how I know, I can re-watch movies I love over and over – Captain Marvel has already been seen three times in the last couple of weeks! Mortal Engines gets a big thumbs down from me.
