Bigger blue with tree

A slightly bigger blue and white tree painting, trying to nail this but still haven’t quite there. I shall keep trying 💙🤍

(c) K Wicks

In a line – paintings

So, I have been doing paintings still, but for the number I do, it’s amazing how many turn out completely crap! It’s wonderful how random they are they, and utterly frustrating at the same time. I think l that’s part of the appeal.

Here are three I was happy enough with to put hooks in a get on the wall.

(c) K Wicks

Learning to paint #6

Nature is still my inspiration at the moment. And liking a bit of sparkle too (which doesn’t come out so good in photos). Trying new trees this time, free hand so it’s a bit worrying at first thinking I’ll make a mistake. Or as Bob Ross would say, happy little accidents. Because they can be corrected or sometimes it helps the painting take a different turn.

(c) K Wicks