Homemade dandelion moisturiser – recipe

On a bit of a mish for making things. Decided to go for moisturiser, having never really liked shop bought I tend to avoid it, but with making my own flower oils now, thought why not.

Only 4 ingredients. And a nice glass pot I found on ebay for not very much!

32g Shea Butter

1 tbsp dandelion infused oil

1 tbsp coconut oil

10 drop of essential oil – I’m pretty sure more than 10 hurtled out of the bottle, but it seemed ok.

(I chose orange essential oil for this one having bought a small selection last week).

Melt together in a double boiler and stir in the essential oil after, then pour into the glass jar and put in the fridge to set overnight (or for 6-8 hours), apparently setting it in the fridge bit is important, as it prevents is separating when it softens.

It does go quite soft once out of the fridge, but can be kept at room temperature and they say lasts for around 6 months. A small amount go a long way.

(c) K Wicks