Homemade Cosmetics – recipes

As well as trying to get better and more proficient in baking and making healthier food, I decided along the way to try and use other homemade things. It’s not just food and drink that goes into our systems, it’s what we also put on our skin. So, thought it might be useful to have alongside my MKW Recipes for food, that I should have a handy post for the cosmetics, as well as the one I already have for dandelion infused ones. As with the food one, i’ll add to this as I find new combos or ideas.

Handy Dandelion – for dandelion salve and moisturiser recipes

Lavender Moisturiser Recipe

Mango Butter Moisturiser Recipe

Homemade Deodorant Recipe

Homemade Salve

Bath Bombs Recipe

Salve Shop

(c) K Wicks

Mango Butter Moisturiser Recipe

I’ve been making a few moisturisers here and there, and as they last a while, takes some time to get around to needing a new one. But that time came, so I decided to make a predominantly mango butter one. For one pot like the one in the photo (around 2oz), the amounts are –

25g Mango Butter

8g Shea Butter

1 tbsp geranium infused coconut oil

1 tbsp calendula infused olive oil

10 drops jasmine essential oil

10 drops sweet orange essential oil

The method can be viewed in my Dandelion Moisturiser recipe.

(c) K Wicks

Handmade natural gift ideas

As it is coming up to that time of year again, thought it might be nice to share a few gift options if you like handmade things for your skin.

From my own site, you can find various salves for your skin, using natural ingredients, some of the flowers grown in my own garden, or picked locally.

Handmade Salve Shop

If you are looking for bathbombs and soaks, you may like to check SkinKiss

And for some lovely soaps, Dragon Egg soaps


(c) K Wicks

Homemade deodorant

And another product you can easily make yourself. Why stop at moisturiser, bath bombs and salves? Another one that goes on your skin every day is deodorant, may as well be in control of what goes in it. Now updated to show the ingredients and method, not sure why I didn’t include that in the first place…

  • 32g Shea Butter
  • 32g Jojoba Oil
  • 21.3g Arrowroot powder
  • 16g beeswax
  • 8g Baking Soda (bicarb)
  • 5 drops bergamot essential oil
  • 10 drops lemon essential oil
  • 5 drop of cinnamon essential oil

Combine the arrowroot, jojoba oil and bicarb in a small bowl and stir until smooth with no lumps.

Melt the wax in a double boiler, and then add in the arrowroot mix.

When all melted again, add the shea butter and stir until just melted

Take off heat and allow to cool slightly, then add the essential oils and stir well.

Let cool until thick but still pourable, pour into tubes and allow to cool completely before adding cap.

(c) K Wicks

Edible garden

I have found in the last couple of years there are many things you can eat that grow in the garden as ‘weeds’ and are seen as a pest. Turns out not, as with much these days. So thought it might be nice to list a few things you can grow, and throw in a few things that will work their own way in, i’ll share the link to a further posts about the item, if I have one.

Hairy Bittercress – leaves can be used for salads

Dandelions – edible, and useful in many ways and one of the main offenders for being called a pest. Apart from the flower stem, the rest of the plant can be used. The leaves and petals can be used in salads, and the roots for tea and herbal remedies.


Rosemary – this is known to be edible, but i didn’t realise the flowers were edible too. A super sweet rosemary taste that is again lovely on salads.


Sheep sorrel – discovered today as its surrounded my blueberry plant. Before I tidied it as a weed, I checked and of course its edible too! The leaves have a slightly sour taste but nice, again one for salads.

Sheep sorrel

Strawberries – these are super easy to grow. A domesticated variety in a pot now looking plentiful and I have wild ones taking over a planter, with potatoes as well in there so the competition for space is on.

Wild strawberries
Domestic strawberries

Wood Avens / St benedicts Herb – the root of this plant is the useful bit, once washed and dried, it smells like cloves and can be used as a milder tasting spice when ground, or for toothaches as well they say.

Wood Avens

Creeping Wood Sorrel – I didn’t realise this was edible (the whole plant is), when I did my previous post, but the little seed pods I mention, apparently they have a slight lemony flavour and can be added to, you guessed it, salads.

Creeping wood sorrel

I also have lots of herbs growing and other fruits, and have now started some salad and vegetables, it’s amazing what you can get to grow in a restricted space, and once it’s there, other things will find their way in…

(c) K Wicks

New dandelion salve

Decided to try another one, this time using the dandelion and rosemary infused olive oil.

Here is my first Dandelion Salve

And the lavender infused coconut oil. Adding in essential oils now I have them, orange and lavender for this one.

32g dandelion olive oil

12g shea butter

10g beeswax

1 tbs coconut oil

10 drops of each essential oil

Melt together in double boiler, add essential oils in after all combined, then pour into containers.

(c) K Wicks