Homemade hoisin sauce

Didn’t have any when needed, so thought I would see what the ingredients are and how difficult it was to make. Turns out very easy to make, and almost had the ingredients, but what I didn’t have, I had the substitutes for. It wasn’t quite the same taste, but it was still really nice, and after a bit of tinkering, I believe it will be better.

But here is the line up of ingredients.

4 tbsp Soy Sauce

2.5 tbsp Golden Syrup (should have been mollasses)

1 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar (should have been rice wine vinegar)

2 tpsp Light Olive Oil (should have been sesame oil)

2 tbsp peanut butter, I used crunchy, but some recipes called for smooth, which I might try next time

1 garlice clove minced, they said two, but were quite large so didn’t want to overdo it

3 tbsp Sweet Chilli Sauce (the recipe I read used Sriracha sauce)

1/4 tsp ground pepper – I just used black pepper

The recipes I read also use cornstartch and water, but I didn’t need it as it thickened up just fine on it’s own.

So, the method was, put in all in together and heat gently until it all combines and starts to thicken up. Took about 10 to 15 minutes, but you’ll just have to judge it yourself. It thickens further once cooled as well, and is sticky and sweet. Good first attempt I thought.

(c) K Wicks

Homemade dog treats

Not to leave out anyone in the household for homemade goodies, thought I would try making dog treats with some left over corned beef. They seem to be greatly enjoyed so it’s a win 👍

200ml beef stock

300g wholemeal flour

150g corned beef

1 banana

1 egg

Mix all together, and make into shapes. This is a really sticky mixture so extra flour is needed, but it works. Roll out to required thickness, shape and put on lined or greased trays. 20 mins at 190.

(c) K Wicks

Orange cordial – recipe

Having made elderberry cordial, I figured it must be fairly easy to make orange cordial too. And it is. I’ve never been a fan of orange squash, it doesn’t taste right and I don’t like all the extras with sweetners and the like.

250ml fresh orange juice (or tangerines)

300ml water

200g sugar

5 grapes juiced

That’s it, that’s all that goes in.

Heat the sugar and water until dissolved, for about 10 mins until it starts to go syrupy.

Add the orange juice, then simmer for another 10 mins.

Then pour into a clean bottle through a fine mesh strainer, put the lid on and leave to cool. Then it’s ready. I keep it in the fridge as it’s really nice cold. And it hasn’t lasted more than a few days because its so refreshing, so have no idea how long it lasts 😉

(c) K Wicks

Homemade chocolates

Went for making more orange cream filled chocolates as its been a while. Thought it might be nice to make the filling green this time. It looked a bit like snot while mixing the filling 🤣, but I decided on it being apple coloured instead, yes, definitely apple. But tastes like orange.

(c) K Wicks

Chocolate covered coconut flapjacks recipe

A very easy and tasty recipe 😋

Oven at 160 fan assisted (180 otherwise).

225g oats

150g butter

50g sugar

2 tbs golden syrup

20g dessicated coconut

140g chocolate (or however much suits)

Melt together the butter, sugar and syrup. Take off the heat. Stir the coconut through the oats, then add the mix to the metled butter and sugar. Line your tin and tip your oat mixture in and press down.

Bake for 15 mins. Allow to cool.

Melt the chocolate, pour and smooth over the top (or as a pattern). I added some edible gold glitter too for exta sparkle ✨️

Put in fridge and allow chocolate to set. Then cut into pieces and enjoy. I put them back in the fridge though as it’s quite warm still so they’ll melt if left out.

Very tasty, could do with a bit more coconut I think next time.

(c) K Wicks

Apple and Blackberry Cake

After foraging some blackberries, I decided to give apple and blackberry cake a go.

186g blackberries

2 x small gala apples

2 eggs beaten

1/2 tps cinnamon

4 oz butter

6 oz demerera sugar

8 oz self raising flour

orange zest

1tps baking powder

Oven at 160°c (fan assisted or 180 if not), line loaf tin with baking paper, or butter so the cake doesn’t stick.

Beat the eggs and greate the two apples including the skin down to the core into the egg, put in cinnamon and orange zest.

Cream together the butter and sugar.

Add the two together until you have a big bowl of runny, lumpy goo. Now add the flour and baking powder until you have a decent cake batter, then stir through most of the blackberries, careful not to break them up too much. Save a few for putting on top before it goes in the oven, and I sprinkled a small bit of demerera over the top as well.

Bake for around 50 mins to over an hour. I had to check a few times because it browned well early on. The knife test did it though, and it was perfect at about 1 hour and 5 minutes I think.

It was rather nice.

(c) K Wicks

Homemade cherry jam 🍒

I have found jam making. I tried once a few years ago to make a plum jam, it was far too solid and sweet, and was forgotten. Until I had some cherries a few days ago, which i miss when they aren’t in season. So figured, starting turning things into storable items for when they aren’t in season. And being honest I wasn’t content with just cherry, so more to follow 😁

250g cherries

150g sugar

1 small lemon juiced

That’s it, just 3 ingredients and a short amount of time. Pit the cherries, cut up 3/4 of them, simmer in the lemon juice for 5-10 mins. Add the sugar, dissolve on low heat, then have at a rolling boil for 10 mins or so.

Then test, put a small blob on a plate in the fridge for 2 minutes, then check the consistency. That’s what I didn’t know to do years ago with the plum, which makes me one!

And from that, we get a small homemade jar of cherry jam 😋 🍒

(c) K Wicks

Homemade lavender moisturiser – recipe

I decided I would make another moisturiser to go with my dandelion one. A nighttime one of lavender, chamomile and coconut I thought would be nice. Very simple to make.

32g shea butter

1 tbsp lavender infused in olive oil

1/2 tbsp chamomile infused in coconut oil

1/2 tbsp lavender infused in coconut

10 drops of lavender essential oil

Melt ingredients together in a double boiler, adding the oil at the end when all melted. Pour into a glass dish, and set in fridge for 6-8 hours. It may go a bit soft again in warm weather, but then sets again. (It’s important to set in the fridge first otherwise the mix can separate.

Here is the recipe for the Dandelion Moisturiser if you would like that one too.

And my recipe for homemade salve as well – Dandelion salve

(c) K Wicks

Homemade deodorant

And another product you can easily make yourself. Why stop at moisturiser, bath bombs and salves? Another one that goes on your skin every day is deodorant, may as well be in control of what goes in it. Now updated to show the ingredients and method, not sure why I didn’t include that in the first place…

  • 32g Shea Butter
  • 32g Jojoba Oil
  • 21.3g Arrowroot powder
  • 16g beeswax
  • 8g Baking Soda (bicarb)
  • 5 drops bergamot essential oil
  • 10 drops lemon essential oil
  • 5 drop of cinnamon essential oil

Combine the arrowroot, jojoba oil and bicarb in a small bowl and stir until smooth with no lumps.

Melt the wax in a double boiler, and then add in the arrowroot mix.

When all melted again, add the shea butter and stir until just melted

Take off heat and allow to cool slightly, then add the essential oils and stir well.

Let cool until thick but still pourable, pour into tubes and allow to cool completely before adding cap.

(c) K Wicks