Flowering Purple Basil

I’ve managed to grow a full Purple Basil plant, there a few more little ones that I’ve saved from being munched. But I always plant extra so there’s enough for the wildlife too. The bees have been loving the flowers on this though as well.

(c) K Wicks

April growing

Despite the cold and overcast days, the berries are coming along. Sprouting and budding a plenty now.

Beetroot (with a few sneaky peppers I didn’t know were still present)
Cress and salad
Cucumber, zucchini & nasturtiums

There is lots going on and I’m getting better at the whole process of it all. Hopefully there will be tasty things at the end of it 😁

(c) K Wicks

Growing season 2022

This years growing season is now well underway, a bit of warm and sunshine really does go a long way to get everything going. The peppers I have been growing from seed are now doing well, if not a little cramped in their current state, but today I will sorting that out. I have about 9 plants!! So we’ll see if they all make it.


Inspired by a love a of flowers and seeing someone else start these from seed, I have some comos flowers on the go now, and thought some coneflowers for good measure. I would lots of bright and more things for the insects. Fingers crossed they make it.

Cosmos and Coneflower seeds

The brocoli I started from seed last year has hung on, through being pretty much decimated by cabbage white caterpillars, and although not done much over the winter, i will give them a chance to get big and repot them soon. Turns out we have 4 on the go.

Brocoli that survived the butterflies last year

I let the wild strawberries run riot and they have pretty much taken over a whole bed planter, so I am leaving them to it. But two of my other plants that had great big strawberries last year have now been moved to give them a better chance, they were a bit cramped and in the dark, so hoping for them to spread a bit and I can have more of those.

Relocated straberry plants

While sorting all the other things and looking for bugs, I happened to find another 3 sprouting cherry plants. I suspect these are ones I had thought the seeds were no good as they hadn’t taken in their pots in the kitchen, and they were discarded in the dirt that went under the brocoli, but here they are.

New cherry sprouts

More planted today as well so there will be lots to look after if it all makes it.

Gooseberry Bush buds
Blueberry plant

I can see all sorts of plants and flowers poking their way through, I suspect the calendula has spread as I can see small new ones appearing, and some poppies have started already where they were last year. And I may have scattered some of last years seeds, and new ones. Now we wait…

(c) K Wicks