Growing season 2024

Growing season is well underway, now its just a battle between the plants and the slugs. Although I have taken to updating the sil tray to accommodate more inside on the window sil.

(c) K Wicks

Cherry tree 2023

Exciting is the best word for it. This Cherry Tree started from a pip dropped by birds and as it starts it’s third year, I have spotted blossom! So am quite chuffed about that.

July 2020

It looked super healthy the first year, and following that one. Last year was a bit touch and go with not watering it enough I think, and a rather slick ant farm operation that installed itself on it. I gave up fighting it in the end, but it struggled through.

And now as the new leaves get going, I spotted two blossom flowers, so am hopeful it will continue well on its growing journey this year.

(c) K Wicks