The Holiday (Movie) and Hyperphantasia

This isn’t a review because it’s not about the film as a film but more a point of interest within it – but can say from a review standpoint having watched it all the way through – it didn’t quite deliver. Face to face I can talk about films for hours but online I try to keep it brief.

This is your average rom com with popular leading actors with Cameron Diaz playing one of the leads in her bright smiley way (she is pleasant to watch). But the reason I bring up this film in a non review context and her character in particular is that there were two specific moments that perfectly showed what I think Hyperphantasia is or at least it gave a good visual representation of it. Which was actually quite handy as my husband has Aphantasia so for him, he can’t ‘imagine’ what’s it’s like. This was a good way for him to actually ‘see’ what I had been trying to tell him about my sometimes seemingly neurotic brain. He managed to sit through a small portion of the film having less of a tolerance for watching pap than I do, but he hot the point.

The two examples that stick with me after the fact are –

She is trying to sleep, and the next day starts running through her head, almost causing a panic attack because it was so frantic and busy. I know this process well. And the second is when she is explaining to the potential love interest why it wouldn’t work out and runs through the entire scenario she has already worked out in her mind. These two things in particular were and are exactly what I do (although this movie wasn’t about Hyperphantsia, I spotted what I now see as the signs of it). Until I knew how my husband thought i.e. no pictures, no imagining tomorrow, and sure as hell no run through of any conversation he had had previously, or was going to have in the future. I had believed everyone had this frantic level of thinking, planning and general non stop thoughts. I thought everyone thought through what they were going to do later than day, or the next day. I think I believed they just managed it better than me and didn’t get bogged down by it. But now I know better…


(c) K Wicks

The Kid Who Would Be King – Film Review

This was a random find, my husband actually recorded it for me as he knows despite many films and years, The Goonies is still my favourite, followed closely by Time Bandits and Super 8. So any adventure film gets mentioned, but not all get watched to the end. Of late I have watched some terrible films and just wanted something to entertain me and hold my interest. The Kid Who Would Be King did just that.

A slightly fresher idea for the King Arthur legend compared the other Arthur based films recently, this was full of adventure, some mild peril and fun enough to keep me watching. The cast were well picked and did a good job, I look forward to seeing more of Louis and Dean, they were great. And Angus Imrie as young Merlin was just a delight (as much as it is to watch his mother on TV too – and I was luckily enough to catch her at the theater years ago), a most enjoyable watch. Another gem from director Joe Cornish (Attack the Block).

So if you are looking for a fun afternoon gallivanting around the English countryside with swords and a destiny, then this is the film for you.

The Kid who would be king


The Holiday (Movie) and Hyperphantasia

This isn’t a normal review a because it’s not about the film as a film but more a point of interest within it – but can say that although watched all the way through didn’t quite deliver. Face to face I can talk about them for hours but online I try to keep it brief. This is your average rom com with popular leading actors. Cameron Diaz playing one the leads in her bright smiley way (she is pleasant to watch). But the reason I bring up this film in a non review context is that there were three specific moments that perfectly showed what I think Hyperphantasia is or at least it gave a good visual representation of it. Which was actually quite handy as my husband has aphantasia so for him, he can’t ‘imagine’ what’s it’s like. This was a good way for him to actually ‘see’ what I had been trying to tell him about my sometimes seemingly neurotic brain.

The two examples that stick with me after the fact are –

She is trying to sleep, and the next day starts running through her head, almost causing a panic attack because it was so frantic and busy. I know this process well. And the second is when she is explaining to the potential love interest why it wouldn’t work out and runs through the entire scenario she has already worked out in her mind. These two things in particular were exactly what I do (although this movie wasn’t anything about hyperphantsia), and until I knew how my husband thought, I had believed everyone had this frantic level of thinking, planning and general on stop thoughts. I think I believed they just managed it better than me. It turns out on the whole not everyone does, but then there are those of us who do…



(c) K Wicks

Mortal Engines – Film Review

It’s taken me a number of weeks to get round to this review, because I wanted to know if I left it for a bit, would my opinion change, would I feel any different to my first assessment? We all know we can be in the ‘wrong mood’ for things sometimes, but this was a big fail for me.

To be honest the story line was only mildly appealing, really they enticed me in with CGI and the promise of action, and I thought just maybe there would be a storyline to hold it all together. After all they had roped in one of the greats from Matrix and Lord of the Rings, Hugo Weaving. But alas, even this wasn’t enough to save the poorly scripted, weirdly presented ramshackle movie.

Style over substance was the sentence that sprung to mind while watching, but even the style seemed overdone and misplaced. The younger lead roles were irritating and distant and they never really convinced me of their apparent plight. I tried to watch a second time to give it another go, but the failures as a film held me back and I gave up. For me that’s how I know, I can re-watch movies I love over and over – Captain Marvel has already been seen three times in the last couple of weeks! Mortal Engines gets a big thumbs down from me.


The Meg – Film Review

This was a must on my list as soon as I saw it advertised. After being traumatised by watching Jaws at a young age, I tend to lean more towards slightly different shark movies these days. Avoiding ones like The Shallows and going more for Deep Blue Sea. Haven’t quite got round to watching Sharknado yet, far more good films to get through first.

The Meg (2018) wasn’t all it was cracked up to be, I wasn’t expecting much but possibly just a bit more. Stratham was his usual self which always brings a bit of comedy, but they seem to want you to have feeling towards the characters very early in without laying any foundations. You didn’t have to wait long for some action, but for me it fell flat. I wanted the drama of Deep Blue Sea, the tension of Jaws and the beach goers but with the size of the Meg. Not that I wanted more people to fall foul of the shark, but it seemed comedy by the time they got to the beach scene. No real tension. I have a fossilised Megalodon tooth and can appreciate how big these creatures were – so my expectation of havoc and carnage was higher. Sometimes laughable (on purpose), and entertaining enough. Watching it a second time didn’t really hold my attention though.

I guess I wanted Jaws, but bigger.

The Meg.jpg

Dark City – Film Review

This has been a favourite of mine for over two decades now, Dark City (1998) is everything I like in  film. It’s got a strange undertone, weird timing and characters, almost stunted dialogue – which ordinarily would put me off – but a wonderful atmosphere and story line. It’s science fiction horror with some good special effects. But its the concept that stayed with me for years after, thinking about if something like that could occur. I guess it’s the same for any fictional movie or situation, but that’s how I rate a good film to me, does it stay with me? Does it get me thinking? If all I am thinking is how I could have done it better, then I take that mostly as a #filmfail. This is not the case for this one, a random film that went under the radar a bit at the time but will always be on my favourites list.

dark city


The Goonies – Film Review

High on my list of favourites, The Goonies (1985), is a classic and gave me a want for adventure I may not have found otherwise as a kid. It still never fails to entertain me and hold my attention (mostly) and really does have a feel good factor films don’t always capture anymore.

It came at a time in my life when I felt powerless about moving around a lot too, so potentially it hit a personal chord. But the excitement of being swept up into a thrilling plot from what appeared to be nothing but a dreary Saturday (we get them a lot in the U.K), was enthralling. I am also quite shocked if anyone tells me they don’t like The Goonies, fine say you haven’t seen it, but seen it and did not like it? Its got adventure, friendship, hardship, peril and more – what’s not to love? Then I remember that not everyone was a child when it came out, or when they saw it, so I don’t judge now until I know which it is…


The Goonies (1985)

Lawnmower Man – Film Review

How did I miss this little gem? For years this film was just a trailer to me, one of the ones at the beginning of your VHS. I got a vague gist of the plot, noted the actor, film and year it came out (which is what my brain likes to remember), but never actually got round to watching it. I don’t think I ever saw it randomly in the TV guide or at Christmas either, so if a film dropped off the radar it was gone and your chance was missed.

So, when my husband mentioned The Lawnmower Man (1992) the other day during a conversation we were having about virtual reality, I thought why not. In this current age of access to any film at any time through various mediums, I found it on one of my subscriptions and finally got to watch it.

It’s not fancy, or over scripted and lays the premise out well in the early part of them film. Now and again, I actually forgot I was watching a movie from the 90’s, to me it has held up well. The graphics were really cool and reminiscent of Tron (quite refreshing after the amount of CGI I have been subjected to in films recently where possibly only 20% of the film is real), and I liked where the story went and it was at a good pace – it does go a bit crazy and out there towards the end which was hilarious and I could tell which bits they ‘borrowed’ from Stephen King’s short story of the same title. Also there was something about the main characters early persona that seemed very similar to a certain Simple Jack in Tropic Thunder – definitely something there, although Fahey didn’t quite go ‘full retard’ like Ben Stiller did for that role. Also it was interesting to see a projection (however fictional) of something that is now becoming mainstream and is marked as the future. Virtual reality is the next big money maker apparently and after films like this and Ready Player One, it does make me question further whether our sometimes fragile minds will be able to take it…

I thoroughly enjoyed this film, might not be the greatest, but very watchable to me.

Lawnmower Man

Film Reviews…

Films have been my thing for over 30 years now and I usually refrain from doing reviews. I can usually talk until the cows come home about films, so why not see if I can convert that into written word. I have recently seen some awful ones and think maybe it’s time to share my opinion on these films and throw in the great ones too for good measure. I’m not one for spoilers or giving you a plot run down or character names etc, I will say what I thought of the film.

It’s funny how the most recent ones that have made the grade have been films I seem to have missed when they came out an age ago or just never got round to watching. We didn’t have the luxury of recording everything or having constant film channels, if you didn’t see it at the cinema, rent the video from Blockbuster or see it on the TV you didn’t get to watch it. Film lending among friends wasn’t very common, they were expensive and people were prone to not returning things! Now we have access to pretty much any film from any time, technically my dream come true. I used to say to myself (because no-one else was interested), I wish I could have access to a virtual blockbuster video store through the TV, then I wouldn’t have to be disappointed that the film I wanted wasn’t available. And now two decades later we are here, and can I think of anything to watch most days? Of course not. Too much choice now, but that is another story…
