Crusty homemade baguettes

The baking continues, and bread seems to be the current favourite. So crusty white quick mini baguettes was the one to perfect, now I have got the hang of using the mixer for the dough it’s making it much easier!

(c) K Wicks

Granary bread recipe

A small loaf of granary, a very easy recipe and perfect for someone like me who doesn’t eat bread all time. I can whip up a loaf on the day and it lasts a week or so.

250g strong bread flour (200g country grain/50g white flour)

3.5g dried yeast

1/2 tsp salt

150 ml warm water

1 tbsp olive oil

1/2 tbsp honey

Put flour in bowl, yeast on one side and salt on the other. Mix the oil and honey with the water, and then add to the flour. Mix together until you have a sticky dough. Knead on a floured surface for around 10 minutes (or 5 mins in a mixer). Oil a loaf tin, and place the dough in, cover and leave to rise for around an hour. Needs to be slight warm place to help the yeast.

Once risen, put in oven at 180° for 30-35 mins until risen and brown. Job done.

(c) K Wicks

Homemade bread

Thought I would give baking bread a go by hand. A very quick method and was so easy it made me feel a bit silly for not realising it was this quick and simple to do.

350g bread flour

200ml warm water

2 tbsp sunflower oil

1/2 tsp dried yeast

1 tsp salt

Mix the water, salt, yeast and oil together. Then add the flour. Work together to form a sticky dough.

Place on a mat/surface with some flour and knead. This one required being rolled in on itself a few times after a short time kneading (like you would roll up a pair or trousers for packing), and pinched in where it joins.

Then place in a tray on baking paper and cover with a tea towel for half an hour to give it time to rise.

Then score down the middle with a knife to give it room to spread. Sprink with flour. Bake for 25 mins at 190 Celsius. (Halfway through take out and sprinkle or spray a bit of water on it).

Very pleased with this, it’s very tasty.

(c) K Wicks