Handmade natural gift ideas

As it is coming up to that time of year again, thought it might be nice to share a few gift options if you like handmade things for your skin.

From my own site, you can find various salves for your skin, using natural ingredients, some of the flowers grown in my own garden, or picked locally.

Handmade Salve Shop

If you are looking for bathbombs and soaks, you may like to check SkinKiss

And for some lovely soaps, Dragon Egg soaps


(c) K Wicks

Homemade bath bombs recipe

It’s incredibly easy and makes me wonder why I didn’t try making my own a long time now. But no matter, I know now. So, in case anyone else may like to try, here is is super simple recipe. I did need to buy in things to make it, but they aren’t that expensive for what you get and they go a long way.

128g – Baking Soda / Bicarbonate of soda

64g – Cornstarch / Cornflour

64g – Epsom salts

64g – Citric acid

3/4 tbs water

1 tbs essential oils – whichever ones you like, depends on if you want to wake up, relax, destress…

1 tbs jojoba oil / coconut oil

And some food colouring if you would like it to have colour.

  • Apart from the citric acid, mix all the dry ingredients together with a whisk.
  • Get a small jar or container with a lid and pour in the water, oils and colour and shake well.
  • Pour the liquid into the dry mix and use your hand to combine, then add the citric acid.
  • The texture should feel something like wet sand.
  • Mash the mixture into moulds tightly (i used silicone muffin mould), push in as much as possible.
  • Immediately loosen from the moulds onto wax paper/tray so they can dry for a couple of days.
  • Then store in a box for use.

(c) K Wicks