Burning Your Bridges

From two angles, firstly, how it is vewed as an analogy in life. For either severing or damaging a bond with someone or something, leaving it in tatters, or in great need of repair. And is often seen as a bad thing, but as with my Rocking the Boat article which looked at it differently, I did the same with this one following on from a review of the saying ‘it’s water under the bridge’, noting that often it is one side who just wants to move on and forget about it. Occasionally, it’s a small thing, and someone who wishes to minimse it will say it and make the other party understand it is a throwaway thing. But for the more serious matters, some try to minimise it and make it throw away. This is where it causes an issue and ties into this saying. Because when people say it, they are not sometimes comprending the flow of said water, the path of destruction it may have taken, and if indeed a bridge was destroyed along the way, meaning there is no longer anything for it to pass under. If you catch my drift. But if you damage the pathway of the flow, or block or try to divert it, that’s usually where people have a problem, and just telling someone to move on, get over it or try and pretend it isn’t serious isn’t a good way to deal with it, on both sides.

Now to the second point, about burning your bridges as a literal act. Or collapsing them, steering ships into them, or derailing trains on them, as well as burning them down. It would seem an unfortunate accident if it was one or two, but it seems as with the food factory explosions and wildfires before them in the US, the recent incidents on bridges and necessary routes are being taken out very much on purpose. And at a time when there seems to be much instability and created issues with infrastructure, I can see why it is cause for concern. Making me think of previous calamities or economic struggles, there and here, and how they too were orchestrated like we see now. Stealing water sources, disrupting the farming and food, wiping out financial stability with loans, interest, banks, laws, and regulations.

It Seems An Attack from within is happening in many places, towards its own people and cultures. Wanting to replace, rewrite, and remove what stands in the way of their ‘progress’. And I can’t help thinking that’s what happened before to create these cultures and traditions people fight for. But what if we are just the previous lot who was moved into position, used for purpose, and given a ‘history’ to believe in and be patriotic about. With everything else being questioned and so many tricks and illusions in play, it would seem reasonable to question it. And the newcomers will just be us in ten generations or so, just as we were newcomers once. From where though, on that I’m not so sure…

(c) K Wicks

Missing Information

It’s funny really, but not in an amusing way. How the methods unfolded and become so very obvious of how it is done. Misinformation is their tool, and an extremely handy one at that. To cause actual information to be missing and replace it with misinformation, then shouting the same if anyone happens to put forward the truth. That in itself though doesn’t always work out, as people may still question the information, and then by extension the strange reaction of the one or ones trying to stop people giving it thought, or talking about it, or ending up at a different conclusion.

So, it seems it required a more robust approach in these precarious technological times, where information can be produced, shared and scrutinised quicker than some can control. Leaving what appears to be a loophole or weak spot in their drive to create and control the flow of information. Mostly though, it seems that algorithms are mostly used to help with that, as long as they understand what is being shared and discussed. I am not convinced that they have the same nuances that people are capable of, especially when it comes to things like humour and double meanings. So, a human element was required, not for checking and interfering with information getting to people, but to taint it once it does get through. Creating a whole department in fact within the media and allocating a face to it, seemingly to be a truth-seeker in these perilous times of having to use your own brain and powers of cognitive thought. They would be there to do that for you, so no need to think, or question or wonder, and if you do, it’s quickly deemed ‘misinformation’ and you are told to move on, nothing to see here kind of thing. Previously a credible way to get something dismissed, not so much anymore. It’s highlighted how much censoring and editing of the truth there has really been over the years. For all sorts of things that perhaps don’t fit the narrative at the time, or threaten it being exposed.

And we can’t forget the Nudge, Nudge departments, put there to analyse and manipulate certain people and their way of thinking, knowing who were the most vulnerable, who needed the most attention, who would be a problem to them. Then putting in place rather unsettling media and marketing campaigns, to further get into people’s thoughts and ideally be behind their decision making, with heavy propaganda to influence them and create fear to drive it. Bypassing the natural instinct to talk to others, see for yourself, weigh up your options, do you own ‘risk management’ as it were, because they knew that’s what most people would do. So, it was necessary to isolate people, separate them and stop them meeting for their usual catch up, or gossip or information exchange points which often do not involve any technology, so can’t be monitored or censored. Places like shops, pubs, social clubs, school drops and playground and such, all places’ people find themselves in groups and will banter about society, life and problems. Conveniently all shut down and restricted at a time when people needed them most, because I believe that is where many who were caught in the headlights, and gobbled up the TV and media campaigns, was because they couldn’t do what they would normally and work it out yourself. So it possibly added to overall anxiety for some, feeling outside of it all with no real information, and no rational way to sort through it and discuss it. So, it festers and is allowed to spiral into a type of OCD perhaps, of constant worry and fear, sounds tragic, but it happened and keep a happening as some are so far gone now and I believe that is their ‘new normal’.

And for the rest of us, it’s constant as well, for whatever they could think to frighten people with, if you were scared of germs and a virus, then it’s war, famine, immigration, politics, farming, truckers, more war, genocide, dictators, global warming and so on. A relentless stream of things they want you to be aware of, so they can threaten you with them, and hold your life to ransom for them apparently, slowly converting your time into money, which they then take off you by way of consumerism and taxes, to then feed you more bullshit so they can take your mental time as well with worry and stress. Seems an awful waste of the vibrancy, creativity and ingenuity of people to have them trapped physically and mentally in this ongoing project we call society. But I fear it has now been so long, we wouldn’t know what to do without it…

(c) K Wicks

Light and Dark

It is said there are types of good souls that enter this realm, who try to help create the mental and physical landscape around us and influence it in a good way. But on the flipside of that, it would stand to reason that there would also be what we would call bad souls too, the light and the dark at the same time. Counterbalancing each other, but ultimately won’t want to share that landscape. The idea for this came from a number of places, one of them being Dolores Cannon and her ideas on Indigo and Star children, ones born who carry something different, a special type of light and knowledge that is necessary for its time. But what if some of them weren’t actually able to make it through? If you believe in recincarnation, or soul recycling, then you may just say they try again, if you do indeed get another chance. So, my thought wondered to how you might ‘trap’ that soul instead, and came to that wondering by seeing pictures of what is claimed to be a before and after of an infant, having had a wellness visit and injection of mandated healthcare. The difference in the eyes was noticeable, and after was missing a certain light and either didn’t make it, or lived a restricted or disabled life thereafter. When I think of all the talk surrounding what we have been allowing to be put right into our bloodstreams, and what they have destroyed, tainted, corrupted and stopped from being is quite an awful realisation.

But makes perfect logical sense, and after reading Brave New World years ago, did think they would try to use toxic substances to help to dumb people down. Mostly by way of food, water and prescriptions that people willingly take, but if you wanted to guarantee that you would mess with that system before it even has a chance to fully form, you interrupt the gestation process, or taint the systems functionality upon arrival. Never giving them the chance to grow up and have a normal life, and if they do by some miracle escape that initial corruption, they have it at key point along the way. An Experiment, But A Big One goes into some of the background work they did to people on the side as it were, which come out in later years as scandals. And often the people are so shocked that they don’t then think that whatever they have revealed, will only the half of it, and behind that there will be another program with the real intention of it. I did previously think it was just for social control, to make people not so sharp, and distracted and steer their life path even more adequately. I should imagine the rogue element of people is most unwanted, and although we do follow patterns and follow the herd as it were, it seems there is something else that is ‘not tolerated’ perhaps, and is what they seek to eliminate. Free will and choice seem a bit part of it, making people beholden to the system, finanicially at first, then educationally, and now medically.

So, while there have been and are certain Indigo children trying to get through, as well as just your normal average ones, are there also the polar opposite? The destructive, uncreative entities, which are the ones working to implement those controls and ensure the suffering they feed on continues and grows. Some people have noticed a ‘lack of soul’ going on in more than a few, so could it be they are what we’ll call the ‘Empties’ or what others might term NPC. But where there isn’t light, and it is not a void NCP, we have to consider the dark side. We’ve been warned in many a movie about the dark side and demons. Another point Dolores talked about were walk-in souls and soul contracts, but in a friendly, agreed type scenario. But doesn’t that sound like what we have with ‘selling your soul’ and all that. Could it be similar, but for the side of the dark, not light? Where you also have a contract, and possibly allow a walk-in soul and have agreed to it, but for fame and fortune as the reward, maybe being convinced they are bringing something to the masses, when in reality they are there to take it away. Like the pied piper playing a tune and leading a merry dance for others to be distracted with the pretty lights, shiny colours, music and smiles. But as we know from many Fairy Tales, what lurks beneath the friendly facade, can be something quite sinister, and well, dark…

(c) K Wicks