Making Money From Misery

It’s become obvious for many now in society, that helping people and creating a decent working society is no longer on the cards. If indeed it ever was, instead it appears we had a neat veil of respectability placed over the ‘systems of society’ so that we didn’t see their darker method and motive. Until a power move was played which has revealed much of it and exposed a very real and sinister enterprise.

It was touched upon in my article Robbin in the Hood

“Because once you start profiting from someone’s misery, what incentive would there be to try and end said misery, if profit is your main objective?”

And from a slightly different angle in It All Starts To Unravel,

“Misery is a monitored man; I will tell you that now. They monitor you in prison, they put you in isolation in prison, and they have a lack of privacy in prison for a reason – because it is a punishment.”

And of course, we have noticed how there seems to be a push to monitor everyone and their daily transactions of life, which of course, makes money for someone somewhere. But it isn’t just about money, because that’s just the front of it, it’s all wrapped up in time, which itself is a construct, but for this it’s real, just as their money is. And it’s a two-fold problem really, firstly we have to use our time to make money in various ways, and then use that money to buy things, which then occupy our time. And when it comes to entertainment, it’s a perfect circle. Your time makes money, you buy the ticket, book, music, DVD, etc, and then you spend your time indulging in it. Like it says ‘Spend Your Time’ and what else do we spend? Yes, money.

These days though, we are being railroaded to pay for our own enslavement, with time and money. With someone else making profits from that misery, which they then reinvest into keeping the misery going and expanding it. Because you know, more profits need more struggle, more hardship, more money and more time from the people who facilitate it. The public. Previously it appeared to be the prison system that was the most enterprising of this idea, to encourage people down a certain path in life, so you inevitably end up in their ‘mousetrap’ and cycle of incentives and punishments. A special project running within the human ‘Beautiful Mice‘ project that calls itself society. An expansion is on the cards though, where the prison gets larger, becomes a mixture of maximum security and open, decides everyone is a criminal for something, and then you all get lumped in together. Of course, that wouldn’t work well in a real prison, so isn’t going well in a larger, less organised and highly populated setting, although it seems that is the point. To force a situation where people end up actually begging for further systems and monitoring, to ‘keep them safe’ from the issues created by the people who will then offer you digital sanctuary.

But misery is a rather large industry, like the beauty industry, think how much that has reaped over the decades, not just selling products but as with much, they need to sell you an idea first. Of standards, of what they consider ugly and beautiful, people, marketing campaigns and offers, changing the way people think towards things and themselves. People don’t seem to have noticed that misery has also become an industry, and actually overshadows all others now in my view, because it was allowed to fester and run alongside everything else. Alcoholics make money for the system by consuming, and then needing ‘care’ to recover, same with drugs – although they also make money for the system in a number of ways by adding to crime as well, mental health issues, general health issues and disorders, and so on. My article What Are We Worth? has already noted the following –

“A healthy person just going about their lives appears to make very little money for ‘the corporation’ as it goes. It would appear that the vast amounts of money they make from us is carefully engineered to be that way, by means of shopping and consumerism, food and pharmaceuticals, addictions and interests.”

Understanding that they want illness, they want crime, they want people to be confused, addicted, lost and stressed and unable to find which way is up, because it gives them an easy way to pretend to be there to help. Wanting to be there to offer comfort and support, but in fact they are grooming you to accept their next dose of harm which will be administered by someone else so you don’t associate it with them. And it will be one of your own kind somewhere down the line, so you don’t worry or notice the real intent and motive behind it. Like if someone hired some thugs to kick the shit out of you and then turns up to be shocked and offer you comfort, getting an extra kick out of seeing the harm they have caused first hand, and even more so as they know the ‘victim’ doesn’t know it was them. But people have been herded into these systems for decades now, and each one seems to lead neatly back to government contracts and control, taxpayer money being used to create more problems and enslavement, more monitoring and digital ID being held over people’s heads, like the sword of Damocles precariously dangling above us all.

But make no mistake, each of these system we have now create an industry of misery covering all quarters of society, which then creates lots of money and control for others. And has been like it in various forms for hundreds of years now, check out my article A Working Strategy to see how it has developed over the centuries. From servitude, to employment contracts at mop fairs, to wars, prisons, work houses, orphanages, schools and being Institutionalised in various ways to fit the ‘need of the corporation’ at the time. It was always pushed as though society developed to have those things, but when I give them real thought, none of them would have been for the good for society, they were to create a fearful, worried and stressed population, fearful of crime, war, financial collapse etc. Changing the mentality and stability of areas, people’s and ideas. Another article ties in here, Leading to a State of Mind, And Fear, speculating on the methods you might use to create a certain mindset, where it hadn’t quite materialised yet in a physical sense, pushing it along somewhat. Because to make money out of that misery, first you have create it…

(c) K Wicks

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