A Balance

It seems there is a balance that can be had, and it often would appear to lead to a good result. I’ll use a few examples of what I mean and then how it has been appropriated.

It comes down to input and output to me, so I’ll pick food as the first example. It is well known that if you eat more food than you need, and do not expenditure the energy created physically, then you will gain weight. Yet people still seem baffled by the simplicity of it. Now, what you eat within that is also important. Understanding nutrition and what your body requires can set you in good stead for a healthier existence. But if you get the balance right, you have enough energy to go about your day, sleeping is more regulated, and your general systems have the best chance of functioning hopefully.

Money, this one again should be obvious. If you spend more than you earn, you will have a deficit. It’s unsustainable, and you either can’t continue due to lack of money, or you borrow and get in debt, adding worry and creating stress. There is also a problem the other way, too. I feel that if you make more than you can possibly need or use, then it seems unhealthy too.

Life, we have all heard the phrase ‘work and life balance’, where you are supposed to find the perfect ratio between slavery and freedom. Such choices we are given to make the best of. But while being conditioned for the triple eight system (work, rest, play), we are also told it’s our fault if we struggle to work within that. And if we happen to notice it’s all wrong and try to go about changing it? We’ll, you get labelled mentally ill, or a troublemaker, or someone who doesn’t understand. And so many really are conditioned to accept it, that often you may seen as ‘the mad one’ for trying to sound the alarm. Or you get chastised for Rocking The Boat, even if it turns out to be the Poseidon or as current events look, the Titanic…

(c) K Wicks

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