War of The Minds

It was a pre laid trap, a virus, war, disaster and ‘aliens’. It would be a war for the worlds but in a different way. Played in the mind, just as the experimental radio show of it was, for testing the water, Laying The Foundations for a takeover of society.

Two things about this recent episode in our society reminded me of war of the worlds separately along the way. Firstly the idea a virus could wipe out a species completely, of course we are happy about that when it’s the aliens succumbing to it. Not so much when it’s us. But the idea gets planted, that a virus can eliminate your foe.

Secondly, the ‘blood clots’ that seem to have been a consequence of certain products, which in some images look rather like the creeping tentacles of the sprayed red mist. Growing inside their host instead of covering the landscape as they did in the story.

And if you look back through, there are many triggers and influences to steer a thought process. Individually and collectively. To then enhance an idea and amplify its effect on people and helping to shape society and how it functions. Or doesn’t, as is the current situation.

Where those triggers have perhaps all been activated at once, amongst chaos, threats, and a never-ending stream of doom to wash it all down with. A spoonful of tech helps the mass psychosis go down. And go down it has, seemingly now to be deeply rooted and following its projected path, to whatever end…

(c) K Wicks

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