Hard Copy

It’s been noted there is a digital revolution trying to take over and sweep away reality, knowledge and history as we knew it. Things being changed and updated, revised and remade quicker than people keep up.

The Mandela effect was a sign, and probably an early test, to see how quickly they could create a conflicting story or event which people were sure they knew had happened, just as sure as the people who had known it didn’t happen. A firmly affixed memory you can’t quite place, but it is there to convince you of what you think you know, with your own brain playing along to create the ‘memory’. And it helps to keep things up in the air and being questioned, if people can’t agree on what occurred, how can they identify how it occurred? Or avoid it happening again. I have even seen online what is claimed to be newspaper evidence of it being reported that no-one died on the Titanic. Now, you could say that was fabricated, changed, or simply was misreported at the time. Handy how the term can be used to discredit the real information accidently getting through isn’t it? Label it as misinformation, or unverified and then once it has been deemed public worthy, it gets allowed. Factcheckers have that covered now apparently, as with an array of laws, censorship and various agencies set up to create, steer and stem the flow of information as they would like it.

We know that all people do not see or think the same things, even when presented with the same information or view before them. And they say a witness is actually the weakest form of evidence. I think of an event now and again, from 1917 in Portugal. The Miracle of the Sun known as the Fatima Event. It’s a very interesting and strange tale in its entirety, but the brief for this, is that thousands of people witnessed an event, yet did not report witnessing the same thing –

Newspapers published testimony from witnesses who said that they had seen extraordinary solar activity, such as the Sun appearing to “dance” or zig-zag in the sky, careen towards the Earth, or emit multicolored light and radiant colors. According to these reports, the event lasted approximately ten minutes.

There has been much analysis of the event from critical sociological and scientific perspectives. According to critics, the eyewitness testimony was actually a collection of inconsistent and contradictory accounts. Proposed alternative explanations include witnesses being deceived by their senses due to prolonged staring at the Sun and then seeing something unusual as expected“.

But books, games, videos and all the other real things you can hold, have and watch at your leisure, are slowly being replaced by their digital counterparts. To be downloaded or viewed from a central database, where it can not only be monitored and withheld, but it can be altered and revised without scrutiny. Only those with a sharp eye, or good memory will be able to know the difference, others will just accept the new version as no different, possibly already in a semi-hypnotic state so not aware on a real functioning level to notice anything.

The Time Machine – the books that turned to dust when he touched them, and the strange rings with warnings and words of information about what transpired. Making it seem as if the printed word was useless against time, but a sort of digital recording was still there to tell the tale as it were. But of those digital rings, how do we know that at some point in the past of that fictional story, someone didn’t erase and rewrite those rings? We just took it on face value that they were telling the truth, or assumed that it was the truth because it was the future, and most of humanity as we know it was done. And like the Eloi, didn’t really question further the whole set-up, or who might be controlling the morlocks, who were then controlling the Eloi.

I saw a piece today in the Guardian, which fits well in the subject as it’s an article about Digital Wills and how they want to destroy lots of historical documents once they have been digitised. To save on space. The argument is that they important documents of people’s lives, and should all be kept, and to a point I do agree. Especially as they are also legal documents for estates, because to me that will be the real reason to want to destroy the hard copies, rather than find alternate storage options. At a time when ownership and property are of great concern, and of nefarious interests being so heavily involved in rolling out all the technology needed to tie it up. I would worry they want it all digital, so they can change it, and without an original hard copy to verify that, things can easily be rewritten or changed. However, we all know how many records have mysteriously disappeared over the years, or gone up in smoke, or have simply been shredded to get rid of whatever is in the way. And again, you can fake documents too, so how do we even know that what is being preserved is real anyway? We don’t is the short answer to that. Which is why maybe personal truths are so important, the things you can verify, know and understand from your own life and thoughts. Because with everything else, you just can’t be sure…

(c) K Wicks

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