
This one sort of crosses into A Portal and Television, but this one is for mirrors, what we think they are, and how they have weaved themselves into tales and stories of dark things on the other side. They appear as a tool for vanity, as it was a reflection that captured narcissus, his own reflection in water. So, to think that we have made a tool specifically for viewing yourself and your appearance is a strange one. Although we are brought up to believe it’s so we are presentable to society and who may view us, rather than our own feeling towards the reflection. But it isn’t just for the sake of society, is it? Some people are drawn more than others to what they see, or would like to see, and is it perhaps that while we are looking in to them, there could be something looking back? Some random references here for this idea, from fictional ideas, films and something that is apparently real.

The Mirror of Erised (Harry Potter) – A strange mirror that showed the viewer their hearts desire, fixating them on watching what they want, rather than actually having it. A lesson in wasting your life watching what could have been, or what will never be.

Candyman (1992) – A really good watch at the time, focusing on their being an urban legend of looking in a mirror at night, and saying Candyman 5 times. Then he appears and kills you, or generally bad shit goes down. I’m sure there are many people who tried it after the film, in the same way that people would open the puzzle box from Hellraiser if they had just watched it, and found one. That again was a type of portal, activated by want and desire interestingly.

Coraline (2009) – the film itself has an alternate world, and appears to be simulated, but within that there was mirror she was thrown into for ‘safekeeping’. A dark, creepy cell hidden behind a mirror – wonder how many of those there are in real life. But the mirror was a portal separated from the simulated world, so was a part of the world in a world in a world. Made me wonder about our mirrors, and if they do connect to another type of world, where we can be viewed but not interfered with. Maybe.

The Matrix (1999) – in the first film and the latest one, when he takes the pill and starts to turn metallic after touching the mirror, sort of merging with it. Giving the idea that we can merge with the ‘alternate reality’ given the right conditions, even if those conditions don’t quite exist yet.

Fairy Tales – The Magic Mirror. A slave entity trapped in a mirror is how it looked in the story, being the voice of truth, with no motive or biased it seemed. Invoking a great deal of jealousy, fear, hatred and murderous actions.

Black Mirror – TV series of strange dystopian scenarios, many of which people have said are ‘mirroring’ what then occurs. So are they helping to create it, prepping people, or just observing a clear line of development? Strangely, there is also a black mirror that pops up in history, art, literature, ideas and so on. A black mirror, and a black sun – funnily enough look very similar when you look at them.

Chronovisor – a viewing tool apparently held by the Vatican, which can view past events. A portal of sorts I guess, and like I wondered above, while someone is viewing that past, could it be that someone from that past could be viewing in return?

As with most things they encourage people to have, and get used to, it could just be a product for industry and a handy tool when it comes to presentation. Or, could it be something else? An opening or portal into each location they are placed, accessing every person’s home and energy when they transfer thoughts towards it. Harnessing, harvesting or amplifying it perhaps. Sounds outrageous I know, but these days given all that is occurring, you just don’t know…

(c) K Wicks

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