The Rat Race

A number, like the mice in The Beautiful Mice, but shows something different. A balance. The golden ratio of a living balance in a way, I guess. Not in a sterile Georgia Guidestones kind of way though. I give thought to the idea that we are unable to escape our ‘container’ apparently, so like the rats and mice that get put into the controlled environment, we also are subject to the conditions, and all of that goes on to help form our habits and behaviours as individuals and as a group. Now, we are led to believe that back in the day, people had a certain amount of freedom to go where they want, and do what they pleased, within reason of course. It would seem that being a complete arse or psychopath has never gone down particularly well as a likeable trait, so if you were a basically decent human being, you could have freedom right? Wrong.

Once I learnt of previous restrictions placed upon hardworking average people, for the sake of controlling wages and work distribution, mentioned in my article A Working Strategy, I realised then that mostly we have been at the whim of others people’s rules, boundaries and ideals for hundreds of years now, not just mere decades as some would speculate. What we thought was freedom, and what we apparently fight to preserve, was already a form of control and surveillance of our lives, it just didn’t seem as intrusive. But The Digital Doomsday Database goes some way to explain how we are just in a technological version and going through an update to past times. Same shit, different day springs to mind here. The census, taxes, records of birth and death, insurance companies listing your possessions and assets, banks having your financial fingerprint, governments now wanting your digital fingerprint for every breath and interaction of your life. Those things now being quantified as a transaction, rather than experiences, or time or something more than a percentage and profit margin.

But as I said, it’s an extension of where we were before, this isn’t all entirely new, just a new format to present it. Sometimes though, it does seem as though the powers that be, view the ordinary folk as a bit of an infestation. How we might view rats, even though we would be the ones that allowed them to congregate in what we would call ‘unnatural’ numbers. Like people, herding them into cities at strategic points in the past, causing health issues by way of conditions, paving the way nicely to then appear to help with said health problems. Prevention rather than cure used to be the way, so a fear of what was to come was needed, to make people believe that the cure would be better than the end result. So, we are led to believe that there needs to be an intervention, to stop it all getting out of control. But what if that’s what stops it ever stabilising, that it needs to reach a critical mass and turning point, needs to run its course and find a balance within its own circumstance and environment. Without interference. We’ll never know as we are constantly being interfered with, manipulated, steered and treated like the commodity they see us as. And we get tricked into believing we are, and seem to act accordingly. All of us.

So, as many are wondering these days, why do we all appear to accept the unfolding mayhem and disaster we see around us, and not actually do anything about it. And I do wonder, who is more of an idiot, the people in suits talking nonsense and pretending to ‘lead’, or is it the people on the ground who still listen and look up to these people. Looking to them for guidance still. It’s baffling. Because if the rats had realised it was other rats that were keeping them In A Maze, and messing with them for fun and money, starving them ‘just to see’ and other ghastly things, would they go insane? Escape? Get revenge? Put up with it and just lose the will to live? Perhaps all of those, as we see around us. They appear to be going for a bigger net to catch everyone, and at the same trying to create a smaller and more confined area for their projects. Wanting to monitor, medicate and dictate your purpose like a parasite. And all these systems and algorithms now appear to be an electronic version of one, like we had the ‘computer viruses’, now we have the computer parasites. Because if you aren’t in the system, giving it your time and energy, thoughts and data, it can’t work as intended or survive. People, however, can survive quite well without them…

Picture from Rat Race :A short film story by Steve Cutts

(c) K Wicks

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