In A Zoo

We are all too aware of what happens to animals in captivity, and there has been a debate my whole life about whether it should be allowed. To contain thousands of animals and place them in specially designed and created areas, mostly suited to their basic needs for existence and purpose of being showpieces. Not for survival, or real living, just existing. Although, there are conservation areas and game reserves where they allow a certain amount of extra freedom, but still contained and controlled.

Now apply that to us. I have previously compared us to being treated like animals and the parallels I see in my articles Farming, but not as you might think, and In a Maze. But as the talk of 15-minute towns and cities continues, I start to see it as a zoo set up rather than a simple prison as some are calling it, although seems a bizarre blend of the two. And not the first time really I guess, as we have had walled and gated towns and cities before in this country, where you are owned and controlled. My piece A Working Strategy highlights how after the plague, rules and laws were put in place to stop skilled labourers from working where they wanted and a cap on wages and movement was introduced. Forcing the economic structure and limiting people’s ability to make their own choices, a good living and dictate their own future. As I have said before, we haven’t been ‘free’ for quite some time.

And in full captivity, they can’t survive once the walls are up and the gates are locked. Seems rather like what the future sounds like really with talk of restrictions, limitations on everything and rationing your life back to you. One social credit score at a time, where you no longer work for just money to then exchange for ‘freedom’. Instead, you earn points, and trade those for luxuries, niceties and that social standing and acceptance people have been bred to covet. This is an upgrade of what we already have, not just a replacement or simple change as people think.

We’re being moved from the conservation area into the open zoo, followed by closed zoo it would seem. The countryside is owned, people pushed to towns and then cities. And it’s those open zoos that are trying to close their gates essentially. Or at least charge you if you want any access rights or freedom of movement as we have previously known.

They want children to scan into school, people to scan into shops and wherever they go. Just like clocking in and out, imagine taking a little card with you everywhere you went. And every establishment you went in you had to punch your card, and out again. Everything you bought, card punch. Everyone you spoke to, card punch. And when you get home, your card is already tallied up because it’s connected to a central computer. You overspent your credits, visited too many shops, weren’t allowed the sugary snack you bought, and said the wrong thing to the person you spoke to. All access rights denied for one week, 50 credits deducted and strict diet now imposed on card holder. Or something like that. Seems obsessive and stalky to me, but some average people seem to think it’s a good thing, I’m not sure who they are, but apparently, they are out there.

We all know however, the ones who are pushing for it, and that they mainly stand to profit heavily from said systems and procedures attached to the implementation of various things. And for the people who will be at the whim of these systems? It will be a restricted, controlled and profitable utopia for them, and a buckled, depressing dystopia for us. But no fear, they’ll have medication all lined up to ‘cure’ you of being a fully functioning, healthy human. No place for those in their zootopia…

(c) K Wicks

Who’s Got The Biggest…

It’s an odd thing to view certain men in in the public eye and what they put forward as ‘being a man’, seeing how society paints a portrait of what this should be. Reinforced by way of media, magazines, marketing and motive. Men have been groomed their whole lives just as women have, but for different purpose as we know. To be the providers, the protectors, fighters and workers, the head of the household with completely different expectations to those placed upon the opposite sex. Or at least that’s how it was. The requirements are changing it would seem.

But while that change occurs, it’s a bit weird and messy as the roles we have traditionally been bred for are no longer required. They don’t want women to be mothers and breeders anymore, they don’t want men to be soldiers, protectors or workers anymore. So the lines get blurred, the roles get redefined and moulded to be something different.

But the original purpose remains in the forefront of the social structure. Men want to lead; women want to breed. Those are the simplistic terms we were pretty much taught, with hormones and physiology backing it up to certain extent and driving forward that position, and is a very plain view of it. But as we know in real life, it’s obviously not entirely that simple because it’s by way of social engineering that those were the options afforded to each sex as time went on. If women didn’t marry or breed, they were called spinsters or singled out for it. Always made me think of the word spiteful, and I would then think of mean old women who hated others for having children and missed the boat of love and family. As I was meant to, they were portrayed as such in books and movies that way too. And men who never married? Well, they were bachelors living the great life, as was always shown and were often given great sympathy in these fictional portrayals for never having found a wife to love or settle down with. But a new twist on the whole set up coming into play now, on deciding you might not like the role you have been given, or the facade either, now being subject to change if one so wishes. And you know what they say, be careful what you wish for. Leading me to be reminded again of one of the lines near the end of the film in Weird Science, where they realise something after they tried to make the perfect woman (with hilarious consequences), and it seemed poignant. Where one of them said something along the lines of “We wanted to make the perfect girl, before we even knew what we wanted”. A little nod to the teenagers out there I guess who think they know themselves and what you want, based on what you think you should want from all the input you have taken in throughout your life. But with a bit of time and experience, it becomes slightly clearer. For some at least.

Although, on top of that there is an added attitude that sets the tone. Keeping up appearances and keeping up with the Jones’s – two sayings that that give away an awful lot about people and how society is set up. All based around ego and competition to me, but what they encourage seems to be something quite seedy, if not sinister, and seemingly just started out as being about Consumerism. To sell you materialistic things, give you a sense of competition if you didn’t have one, a sense of one-upmanship and of being better than others because of things you have. Spiralling ever further into thinking you are better because of the size of your house, or where you went to school, who your family is and so on. Or thinking you are less than someone because of those things, creating a strange ideal in people’s minds about what happiness is, or achievement, or of being acceptable in the ‘eyes of society’. I think of the saying ‘My dad’s bigger than your dad’ when it comes to how this plays out from a young age, as that is the classic line of one-upmanship used by people to highlight that process in action. You might know someone like that, you know the ones, who regardless of what you say or do, they did it first, or bigger, or better. And this is where society often seems like it has descended into a dick measuring contest, for men and women alike. Literally. Where everyone is so keen to be considered the best, or the top, or have more – but is that because they want it for themselves really? Or is it because they believe people think more of them like that, wanting to please ‘society’ and be what they think is required of them. Continuing the cycle of image and perception, because to be honest by now, I’m not sure we know any different…

(c) K Wicks

Resetting The Board

There is much talk of resets, old times past and new times coming. But they were always far away from where we were back then, or just called ‘the future’. Well, it appears we have now caught up to the future, and just as we have, the past is catching up with us. Before it can be completely erased or forgotten, or simply put down as ‘misinformation’, just as it may have again and again. Creating a diluted and convoluted data bank and source of information, so there is no right, or correct or definitive yes or truth. There is only chaos, no order. And one might think that would be a terrible state of affairs to have in society, no-one knowing which way was up, or what two plus two was etc. But only because you have been taught that up is above you, and needs to be identified, or that you need to know what quantity is and how to measure it. But why? It’s possible to go through life, quite adequately I might add, now knowing either of those things, unless of course you find yourself underwater, then you indeed may need to know which way is up. But on the whole, you get the point. A person can live quite well and happily without the construct of society. It will be less convenient of course, but society is not required for people, yet people are required for society. It is a dependency, not a symbiotic relationship originally, but they have tried to make it so.

However, society has now stopped being as convenient, and no longer wants to function in the same way. Instead, it appears to have morphed into something more akin to a parasite, needing to control and feed on its host and keep them in a zombie like state of dependency. Unfortunately, we are the host. And like the zombified insects under the function of similar parasites, that have to carry on until such time as they are no longer required, we are slowly being made like them. It seems the time of playing the democracy card is coming to an end, and the totalitarian card comes into play. Even more so I believe the past is a very intricately woven set of lies and stories, fabricated and set in place for purpose of conditioning and ultimately to steal the past and write the future as you would like it to be. Delusion becoming reality, which then causes what was reality to become delusion. Now you realise why we maybe had so many asylums back in the day, a convenient way to get rid of those who wouldn’t play ball, and all sorts of other disruptions, revolutions and ‘civil wars’ wouldn’t have been as they seem. I often now wonder if those things that did leave an imprint and couldn’t be erased, were just rewritten as a victorious entertaining story to distract from the truth of who was really fighting who. Great empires, wars, battles, heroes, villains and neat timelines for them to all fit into, seeming rather like a well-crafted tale to enthral the masses and be carried down as ‘history’. My article There’s Nothing Great About It speculates on some notable events and how they appear as a cover for something else, but as these things are lost to time and betrayal, unfortunately I can only speculate and never know for sure.

But it does appear that the board has been reset many a time, a new game enacted and laid out, new players, pieces and characters put forward for their role in the next instalment. And every time it goes wrong, collapses or they get found out, they have a tantrum, tip the board and storm off, as you would imagine a childish person behaving at losing and not coping with it. Making sure no-one else can carry on playing if they aren’t in front. And that is how it seems now, as though we are in the tense bit just before the board gets flipped, seeing and feeling it build, waiting for them to ruin the game. They know you don’t want to play again, and in fact won’t play again, so will proceed to make sure no-one can play without them. Breaking down society and systems of infrastructure built up over generations, knowing you won’t be able to just regroup, or carry on without them. Disrupting everything until you either play by their rules, or the whole game gets thrown to the floor and ‘reset’ how they would like. But I can’t help thinking there is a different game entirely we should be playing, and it doesn’t involve them…

(c) K Wicks