
I have already speculated on TV’s being portals in my article A Portal, and mention some of the following films in it –

Nightmare on Elm Street

The Ring


Mike TV from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Where there is a merger between the two, or the lines that usually separate the two become blurred, or disappear altogether and one crosses into the other. And what of that ‘other reality’? The one we think is safely behind a screen, 3D images being presented on a 2D screen for us to perceive as a form of reality. To entice and influence, to entertain and distract. Giving us a condensed, fabricated, edited and glorified version of ‘life’. Or at least the version they have written for us, just as they have with history, people realise they have doctored the past to fit what they want people to ‘know’. And so to with the present, so even now what you think is happening or becoming ‘history’ is tainted. It will be written how they want it to be remembered, not with what actually happened. you can see how handy being able to label something as misinformation can be.

But looking beyond the somewhat fictional aspect to the first part of this article and knowing that in our physical realm, we can’t go into the TV and what is presented on the screen can’t escape and take form. We can easily understand how it is used to manipulate and expose people to ideas and concepts they would otherwise not encounter. Helping the wheels of Consumerism greatly and how they sought to reshape society on a basic level, through mass ‘entertainment’. The First Fad covers the motivators and methods for that, and Turning off the TV covers the realisation of it and taking steps to not be part of that particular angle of programming going forward.

Because it’s been with us for more than a few generations now, and people’s attachment to it and what it represents to them, seems to be very ingrained now for many. I have pointed out before how for some, their expectations of themselves and others are based on a carefully crafted, scripted, edited and simulated version of real life. Possibly leading to frustrations, confusions and a general lack of understanding of people, or the actual expectations real life would have demanded. Because even that is now subject to change, like the people who shape society, are trying to make it more ridiculous like you would see in the fictional set ups. Crazy ideals and people allowed to take centre stage, to dictate and be in charge. If this were a TV show, you can believe they would have lost their audience long ago, and would have had to cancel the show, it would have been slated in the reviews and anyone playing a part, would have faded into the mist. But as these ‘players’ are actually the heads of countries, and whoever wrote the script for this seems to be desperately trying to hold it all together, almost writing new characters and storylines as each day goes on. Adding even more ridiculousness to the crazy and unbelievable episodes we find ourselves in, many of us wondering, when is someone finally going to pull the plug…

(c) K Wicks

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