The strangest tale… (poetry)

The strangest tale

A scourge on our time

Of demons and evils

A sinister crime

A darkness unveiling

That more can now feel

No longer it matters

What they say is real

Because with a knowing

Is an absence of fear

It’s more than belief

It’s a deep-felt idea

That in their quite twisted

And augmented dream

Where they cannot let go

Of this digital scheme

They’re caught in a loop

And cannot now stray

There’s too much at stake

And now is in play

It’s not as sewn up

As it maybe appeared

It’s gone rather rogue

And now really weird

With things being darker

Than some can admit

But others who’ve noticed

Will no longer sit

And allow this disaster

On our watch to unfold

And when the time comes

We need to be bold


In these strange times ahead

(c) K Wicks

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