Mortal Engines – Film Review

It’s taken me a number of weeks to get round to this review, because I wanted to know if I left it for a bit, would my opinion change, would I feel any different to my first assessment? We all know we can be in the ‘wrong mood’ for things sometimes, but this was a big fail for me.

To be honest the story line was only mildly appealing, really they enticed me in with CGI and the promise of action, and I thought just maybe there would be a storyline to hold it all together. After all they had roped in one of the greats from Matrix and Lord of the Rings, Hugo Weaving. But alas, even this wasn’t enough to save the poorly scripted, weirdly presented ramshackle movie.

Style over substance was the sentence that sprung to mind while watching, but even the style seemed overdone and misplaced. The younger lead roles were irritating and distant and they never really convinced me of their apparent plight. I tried to watch a second time to give it another go, but the failures as a film held me back and I gave up. For me that’s how I know, I can re-watch movies I love over and over – Captain Marvel has already been seen three times in the last couple of weeks! Mortal Engines gets a big thumbs down from me.


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