Film Reviews…

Films have been my thing for over 30 years now and I usually refrain from doing reviews. I can usually talk until the cows come home about films, so why not see if I can convert that into written word. I have recently seen some awful ones and think maybe it’s time to share my opinion on these films and throw in the great ones too for good measure. I’m not one for spoilers or giving you a plot run down or character names etc, I will say what I thought of the film.

It’s funny how the most recent ones that have made the grade have been films I seem to have missed when they came out an age ago or just never got round to watching. We didn’t have the luxury of recording everything or having constant film channels, if you didn’t see it at the cinema, rent the video from Blockbuster or see it on the TV you didn’t get to watch it. Film lending among friends wasn’t very common, they were expensive and people were prone to not returning things! Now we have access to pretty much any film from any time, technically my dream come true. I used to say to myself (because no-one else was interested), I wish I could have access to a virtual blockbuster video store through the TV, then I wouldn’t have to be disappointed that the film I wanted wasn’t available. And now two decades later we are here, and can I think of anything to watch most days? Of course not. Too much choice now, but that is another story…




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