Proof copy has arrived…

The last few days of waiting for my proofs felt like forever. Today they finally arrived and although I couldn’t wait to get them, now they are here I am relaxed but haven’t started reading yet. I am enjoying them just being real. It’s funny how you can work on something for over a year, yet it still doesn’t seem real until you have the physical copy in your hands. I find this the most nerve wracking bit, getting closer to the final go ahead, which is funny because it comes from me. So for now I shall put aside the writer in me and commence with being the reader and editor, if such a thing is ever really possible. Even so, I do my best.

Proof cover - MITMON

Meeting in the Middle of Nowhere – coming early December 2019

A look at mental abilities and labels of society and how they can affect trying to navigate your way through adulthood. Discussing living with Aphantasia and Hyperphantasia and how they influence day to day life. Within those also looking at anxiety, mental time travel, PTSD, dreams, fear and more.

(c) K Wicks

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